Act II part 2 -Mischief abounds

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It happened that while Yakov secretly watched them, Otabek and Yurio found their way into the clearing.

"I do not love you, why do you pursue me?" Otabek was not happy, in truth he was quite irritated. "Where are Victor and fair Yuri? I would kill the one but the other kills me. You told me they would be here in this forest. We are here in this place because I can not be with my Yuri. Go away and leave me alone!"

"You draw me to your side, you cold hearted ass." Yurio was also quite angry and frustrated. "If you could stop what calls me then I would stop following you."

"Do I tease you? Do I seduce you with words? I speak only the honest truth to you,I do not and can not love you."

Golden haired,green eyed Yurio ,though often told he could be as ethereal as any fairy could never understand why the only one he wanted he was nothing. Even now he would plead his cause.

"Despite that I love you more. I am your dog, Otabek, the more you ignore me,the more you curse me the more I will follow you. Neglect me, abandon me and strike me, just let me follow you even if I am unworthy of you. Isn't it pitiful enough that I beg you would treat me as your dog?" Yurio's pleas would have touched any other heart,

Otabek was not easily swayed from his intentions. " It makes me sick to look at you." eyes narrow and as cold as his voice.

"It makes me sick not to look at you." Yurio continued his pleas.

"You trust too much,leaving the town to be with one who does not love you. Do you think the night will protect your innocence?"

"It is not night when I see your face." Yurio countered. " I am not alone here because you are the world to me. I have all the world here with me."

"I will leave you here to the mercy of the wild animals."

"The wildest of them doesn't have a heart like yours, as a dove may pursue the eagle I will pursue you."

Otabek snorted derisively, the boy was impossible. " I am leaving,but know that if you follow me I may do you harm in these woods."

"You do harm to me everywhere,Otabek, how can I fight for love? Your wrongs harm my every effort." Yurio watched him leave. " I will follow you and make a heaven out of this hell even if I would die at the hand of the one I love."

Yurio followed after him deeper into the forest, not caring about the danger he might face.

Alone Yakov considered what he had witnessed. " Before he leaves this forest,fair nymph, you will fly and he will seek your love. "

It was then that Phichit appeared,returning from his travels.

"Ah,Phichit,do you have the flower?

"I have it." He held the purple flower in his hands,smiling in his success.

"Give it to me then. I know a place where wildflowers bloom,where Lilia sleeps sometimes and with this I will touch her eyes,filling her with hateful fantasies. You will take some of it,"he told the eager fairy. "A sweet boy is in love with a stubborn young man, anoint his eyes so that the next thing he sees might be that boy. You will know the man by the clothing he wears. Take care that he might become more in love with the boy than the boy is with him. Make certain they meet before the rooster's first crow."

"Fear not, I am your servant and I will do as you ask." Phichit took some of the flower and hurried off to his duties.

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