Act II scene 2 One Simple Mistake

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Lilia,Queen of the faeries wandered into a different part of the forest,keeping away from their agitated King. At least for the moment. More and more her meetings with Yakov were becoming confrontations. It was why she sought out this place,a mostly secluded spot to find some rest. Here the ground was soft,thick with sweet grass and protected by bushes and tall trees.

"Sing me a song,my faeries, to keep away any pests that might trouble my sleep. "She ordered her followers as she laid her tired body on the ground, "Sing me to sleep and then go about your duties."

"Go now," Mila the red haired fairy spoke to the others once their song was completed. " All is well. Let only one of us remain here to stand watch!"

They hurried off to their various duties and this is how Yakov found her,sleeping there on the ground and unaware of his presence. Careful not to wake her he squeezed liquid from the purple flower onto her eyelids.

"Now whatever you see when you wake it will be your true love, your all in your eyes,no matter what it might be. I hope only that it is something truly vile."

With that said and the deed done,Yakov left her there.

Not long after his departure Victor and Yuri found their way to this place,not knowing the Fairy Queen slept hidden from their view not far away. Stopping there Victor surveyed their location,concern in his ocean blue eyes.

"I fear I might have lost our way."he admitted. "and you are tired from our journey,are you not Yuri? We should rest here until morning."

Yuri was getting tired, "Here is fine with me." he felt too tired to search for a better spot to rest. "Find a good place for yourself to rest."

Perhaps Victor wasn't all that tired, there was light in his eyes as he watched Yuri find his place in the grass. " We can share this place,.."he offered " We share one heart, one love,one soul so bed..."

Yuri wasn't so tired that he didn't know exactly what Victor was inferring,the man was impossible. "For my sake ,love, don't lie so near to me."

Victor mocked outrage, to the thought he might have meant such a thing . "I meant nothing inappropriate,dear Yuri. " he protested. "I only meant that our hearts are tied to each others,that our souls are meant to be together as one, I only wish to be with you even as we sleep. I only wish to lie close to you and I am not lying to you."

Yuri sighed, " I'm sorry if you thought I said you were lying. I only want you to lie further away from me. I am more comfortable with such a separation. Good night, my sweet Victor and may your love never alter for all your life."

Victor was forced to give in, he found Yuri's modesty charming. " It will be so,until my death I will remain loyal to you. Sleep well." he found a spot a bit away and made his own bed.

Once they were deeply asleep,Phichit wandered into that spot in hi search for the couple Yakov spoke about. They had to be somewhere in the forest and he was growing tired of looking.

"I've looked through all the forest and found no such man. " he was becoming irritated,until he saw the couple sleeping there on the ground. " Who is there in the night and silence? He wears the correct clothing my master spoke of,this must be the one who despises this man who lies beside him. A handsome soul, why does he lie beside this loveless,stubborn man? Once the flower's liquid falls on those cold eyes he will wake to love. "

Phichit did what he came to do,placing droplets from the flower onto the silver haired man's eyes. He had done his job well ,or so he thought. He left them there,wanting to return to Yakov and tell him the deed was done. Just as he had asked. He left before Otabek and Yurio came running into the area. Yurio pursuing his prey.

"I will stay with you even if you would kill me,Beka!"

"Just leave me alone." it seemed nothing he did stopped the relentless youth.

"Don't be so cold and leave me." still he pleaded

"Do what you want,I don't care what happens to you here. " Otabek didn't even pause as Yurio fell to the ground,instead he hurried to get as far away as he could manage.

Yurio felt defeated,sitting on the ground too tired to continue after him. His fist pounded the dirt in anger. What else could he do?

"I can't run anymore,no matter what I try I fail,dammit. Wherever Yuri is he must be happy. In Otabek's eyes I must seem ugly in comparison. " as he struggled to get back to his feet he saw a body lying on the ground nearby,silver hair under the moonlight. "Why is Victor here? Is he allright,...there isn't any blood. Maybe he's asleep. "Yurio reasoned,but he was still concerned. "If you're alive,wake up!"

Victor stirred,his mind foggy with sleepiness as his eyes slowly focused on the golden haired young man. He stared at him as if seeing him for the first time,eyes widening and nearly glowing with happiness. He felt as if he were witnessing the most glorious sunrise ever.

"I would run through fire for your sake."Victor declared it and he meant those words. "Beautiful Yurio, there is nothing better in all of nature. Where is Otabek, I will kill that terrible man myself."

To say that Yurio was confused would be the understatement of the ages. The man had suddenly gone mad. "Don't say stupid things like that,old man. What about Yuri? That man wants only you."

"No,..I regret all the time wasted with Yuri. How could I love Yuri when you are here for me,Yurio?" Victor was getting uncomfortably close as he got to his feet, sill regarding Yurio as if he were the only thing he could see. "Who would exchange a dove for a mere crow? Why could I not see the truth before, you are more worthy of my love. I did not understand until now, it was always meant to be you and no one else."

Yurio was horrified. "Why are you mocking me this way? Isn't it enough that I can't get decent attention from Otabek,not the kind I want or deserve? Now you are making fun of me,why? You do treat Yuri well,better than I'll ever get but why must I be abused by the one I love and now pursued by one I do not want?"

He turned and ran,it was only thing he could think of to escape the current situation. Victor had surely gone mad or he was having fun at his expense. Yurio wanted no part of either.

Victor was distraught in Yurio's absence. "He didn't see Yuri sleeping there. I no longer wish to see Yuri either,the sight makes me ill. I want no more of him,I want only Yurio. Only to love and protect him always!" Victor left in search of his new found obsession.

Yuri woke in their absence,confused and frightened by nightmares that had haunted his sleep. He called for Victor to help him,reaching out as he woke to fight the demons that tormented him.

"A nightmare?"he sat up on the ground,uncertain as the images began to fade. "It had me shaking in fear,Victor. I thought a snake was eating my heart and you were watching,smiling and laughing and doing nothing to help me. Victor?" there was no response ,he saw only the dark forest no signs of his love. " Are you too far away? Sat something if you can hear me,.." Yuri was getting even more anxious now,fear chilled him to the bone. He had to find Victor.

But why had he left? Had he gone unwillingly. Even if he was afraid Yuri had to find him. He would search the forest for him, despite the dangers he faced on his own.

"I will find either you or death." Yuri resolved as he started his search.

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