;Our Hearts are Wild Creatures;

Start from the beginning

I want to cry too. No one had ever cared about me like this. And it kills me not knowing who it is. I know her voice, but I don't at the same time. 

I felt lips press against mine.

"Ms. Luthor!" Jess yelled.

"Y-yes? Is there a reason you are yelling at me?" I snapped.

"You didn't answer me for two minutes.." She murmured.

My mouth made an 'o' shape and I looked at her with a grimace and apologetic eyes. "My apologies, anyway, what is it that you need?"

"She's here."

And for some reason, those two words sent my blood running cold, and my heart punting against my chest harshly to the point it almost hurt. My stomach tied in knots and all of my organs rearranged themselves. Air became too thin to breathe, and my palms became sweaty. I looked at my glass and found it was empty.

I struggled to speak or to find any words at all, so I simply nodded. Jess walked out, and a blonde woman walked in.

It hit me all at once.

Those unforgettable blue eyes, those blonde curls, that sheepish smile and nervous aura, those glasses as a poor disguise to hide who she really was, the same cute little clothing style.

"Ms. Luthor." She said politely. I assume as a greeting, but I knew better.

"Don't. Don't say my name like.. Like we're strangers meeting for the first time.." I replied with a shaky voice.

It all made sense as soon as she walked through that door.

"Mother." I sneered. She had no right to be here, not after what she did to Kara. But, here she was, having the audacity to come and see me, knowing I'd probably rip her throat out without a second thought.

"Child." She said, with that always cool tone. She had a knowing smirk and I wanted more than anything to slap that smug look off of her wrinkly old face.

I mentally chuckled thinking how she resembled the Crypt Keeper. Except of course for two reasons, one; the Crypt Keeper was probably much younger, and two; it was definitely more attractive than that witch.

"How dare you come here after what you did?" I growled.

She snickered. "I did nothing to you. I did it to her. But, it proved my thinking."

"What thinking?"

"You, Lena Luthor, this horrible disgrace to the Luthor name, even more so now that I've discovered that you, are in love, with a Super."

"I-I didn't mean to-" she stammered, standing there stiff as a bored and readjusting her glasses.

"Why have you never come to see me? Why is this the first time in months?" I asked, desperation thinly veiled in my voice.

"I- Do you even remember what happened?"

I chewed my lip and stared at her. I remember bits and pieces and the longer I look at her, the more comes back to me. But, no. I don't.

"Not entirely, no."

"You almost.. You almost died. Because of me." She choked out.

This was harder for her than I thought.

"I.. Kara, are you okay?" My saying her name left us both feeling odd.

"W-why are you asking if I'm okay? A-aren't you mad? D-don't you hate me?"

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