Chapter 26.7: Strike Three

Start from the beginning

“I know you. You’re Harry Styles’ girlfriend.” She prattles over the words but manages to not stutter. For a second, I am shocked that she’s able to recognize me. “Megan said you stole her boyfriend.” She tells me not maliciously, like she doesn’t even know the meaning of the words she just uttered. How is that possible that a little seven year old girl is able to talk like this? I chuckle a bit when her grand mom clamps Michaela’s little mouth with her hands, surprised at the little girl’s utterance as well.

I chuckle at the old lady, “It’s okay, Ma’am. Who’s Megan?” I look down to see Michaela’s green eyes again and her grand mom slowly releases her hand from her mouth.

Michaela rubs her lips with her arm aggressively, frowning at her grand mom.

“Megan is my sister. I told her you’re prettier than her, but she won’t listen to me. I said, Harry loves you but she keeps telling me that you stole her boyfriend.” She shrugs her shoulder, sighing hopelessly while frowning at her lap and I laugh even louder. This kid is really adorable.

“No, I bet your sister is pretty just like you. Did she meet Harry already?” I ask her, pressing my lips together after finishing my sentence.

“Uhm… I don’t know.” She shrugs her shoulder uncertainly to which I found her even cuter. “She went to a few of their concerts though but I don’t think she met him.”

“Well ask her if she wants to meet him, I can arrange some things.” I suggest to Michaela and her grand mom. The old lady widens her eyes at me, smiling while Michaela who can’t seem to understand what I meant just looks up at me, her green eyes focused on me. “Well, do you have a paper and pen, Ma’am?” I ask the old lady assuming she had brought the objects because she has a huge purse with her.

My assumption is confirmed once she nods at me. She opens her bag and flips through some stuff inside finally digging out a blue pen and a small itinerary notebook. I smile as she hands the objects to me and I begin writing my agent’s name, Walter Halt, and his number on the back page of her notebook.

I insert the pen inside the notebook. I open the notebook again as I place it on her lap. “When Megan says she wants to meet Harry, call this guy immediately.” I instruct them kindly, pointing the scribbled name with the pen. “He’s my agent. He will contact me immediately when you call him, okay? Tell him I’m your friend.” I smile at them, the old lady still smiling at me with wide eyes.

“Thank you so much.” I notice her tears start to brim in her eyes but she quickly wipes it with her hands. She looks down at her granddaughter with an affectionate smile, stroking her blonde hair. Michaela is still oblivious about what her grand mom and I had just talked about. But she will find out soon.

I am also oblivious about the hour that had passed when the train has finally stopped followed by a female voice announcing that we just arrived in Wolverhampton. Michaela hop off of my lap as I was playing with her throughout the ride, giggling when I tickle her each time she missed a letter in the alphabet when I told her to recite it instead of singing it.

I hold her tiny hand as we make our way out of the train; her grand mom that I learned is named as Rose following us from behind. I pull down my shades to the bridge of my nose again to diminish the possible attention I might just draw from the crowded train station.

The clanks of my boots as I step on the floor of the station seem to entertain Michaela. She looks up at me amusedly once in a while after gazing at the way my steps make a sound on the floor. I grin at her when our eyes meet again and her smile is still in awe. This little girl is really adorable, unlike me when I was a child. The smile on my face dwindles when I look back at the memory, but I shrug them all off when we finally reach outside. I notice a lot of cabs line up waiting for their prospective passengers. I decide to escort Michaela and her grand mom to one of the cabs before I take mine. I bid them farewell, promising to see them again.

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