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Gabriella Point of view
July 10, 2018
Los Angeles, California

All along it was a fever
A cold sweat hot-headed believer
I threw my hands in the air, said, "Show me something"
He said, "If you dare, come a little closer"
Round and around and around and around we go
Oh now, tell me now, tell me now, tell me now you know
Not really sure how to feel about it
Something in the way you move
Makes me feel like I can't live without you
It takes me all the way
I want you to stay
It's not much of a life you're living
It's not just something you take it's given
Round and around and around and around we go
Oh now, tell me now, tell me now, tell me now you know
Not really sure how to feel about it
Something in the way you move
Makes me feel like I can't live without you
It takes me all the way
I want you to stay

It's been a month and some days since August and I have spoke. I can't really say I don't miss him because I do. I went from seeing him everyday to not at all, it's really hard facing this new change. I love him to the point where I wish I could take him back, but I just can't.

"Gabriella?" I heard which sounded like a whisper. "Huh?" I looked around the room, but saw no one. I could've sworn I heard somebody call my name. "Gabriella over here it's me Angela." Tears began to form as I heard my best friend's voice again. "Puff?"

The voice laughed. "Girl it's Angela now Jesus said I can't use that name." I laughed at her. "Sike nah girl I'm in hell." My eyes almost popped out my damn sockets. "Ok I'm done now. I'm actually in heaven. I just wanted to see your reaction." I rolled my eyes.

"But anyway I recently found out who killed me that day." I gasped. The police has yet to figure out, so I can probably tell them. The only problem is I have no evidence.

"Who is it, do I know them?" She sighed. "Sadly no, but it was Daniel my old foster father." I was confused. " I know you don't understand, before your parents adopted me Daniel and his girlfriend did. For that one full week I didn't show up to school, remember?" I nodded.

"Yeah, you had court." "No I actually ran away from his home because I had stabbed his girlfriend. He killed me because that night I killed his wife and their unborn baby. I had no clue she was pregnant, if so I probably would've just stabbed Daniel." She laughed.

"Angela that is not funny." I laughed. "Put your laughing to, such a hypocrite."

"Whatever girl, can we speak like this all the time?" "Yeah, but times where you'll speak to me, I may not speak back. But I will always be listening." For some reason the tears built up again.

"Stop crying, it makes you ugly. Ole' Kim Kardashian face ass." She laughed. "You not suppose to cuss in heaven." I giggled. "Oops I forgot."

"How?" I laughed even harder, I can't believe she's actually gone. "I have to go, but just know I love you."

"I love you more A." I smiled as a knock filled the silent halls of my house. I got up from my couch and opened the door. "Hey Gabbi." I rolled my eyes. "Gabriella." He looked at me.

"What?" "My name is Gabriella only people I like calls me that." August lowly chuckled." Whatever."  I rolled my eyes. "Why are you here?"

"I came to talk." I let out a low breath before crossing my arms across my chest. "About?"

"Us." I laughed right in his damn face. "August there is no us. You ruined that the night you fucked that low dirty ass bitch." He shook his head. "Chill man don't talk about her like that."

"Oh so now you defending the hoe."   I shook my head in disbelief. "I feel like I have to maybe because she's carrying my child." I rolled my eyes, I'm not going to lie that shit really did hurt.

"And at one point she was your friend." I nodded. "Yeah at one point, not this point. Friends don't fuck their friend boyfriend." I shrugged. He nodded and sighed.
"Why can't we just move on from this?"

"Because it's hard to forgive and forget things like this. If I didn't love  you and build this whole bond with you I would've been able to forgive you and move on. Not necessarily as a couple, but as people. But it's not that way." He nodded. "And with that note you can leave because you are no longer wanted here."

Corey point of view
Same day
Chicago, Illinois

Well I realized that LA is no longer a home for me. I might as well move back to Chicago and try to talk to my parents. I also realized how wrong it was to date Jasmine's ex boyfriend. I was about to breakup with him, but I heard she had sex with August. Now that's foul, but I can't say much.

Since she committed the same mistake I did I felt like it was no point of breaking up with Jaylin. And I love him a lot and he loves me. It's too late to breakup over something petty, so we decided to stay together and just move. His parents understand that he doesn't find women attractive, so they have welcomed us to their home until we get on our feet. I wish my parents were the same, but life isn't always what we want.

It's a coincidence that he's also from Chicago and I never met him. He said he has an older brother who's been in jail for 5 years, but hasn't told me his name. He gets out today, so I finally get to meet him. We pulled up to the gates. A tall male came out from the building. I couldn't see who it was, but Jaylin surely did.

"Khalid!" What the fuck. That's the  boy from high school. My first boyfriend is Jaylin's brother.

Well that's that chapter, shit is really happening. I can't believe I let this happen, but trust me more is coming because I'm so extra. But this book will be ending soon.

Auddie out❤️

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