Yandere!Mini x Tyler

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No one's P.O.V (again)
Mini stalked closer and closer toward his pray

..no it wasn't Tyler..not yet..

No right now he was after another one of his 'friends' who were crouched together in a place they thought would be safe but soon found out they were wrong. All the others were killed singularly leaving only 3 pairs that were smart and ran and tried to hide 

(well they were kinda smart anyway),

Brock was the first to go out of the pair his blood sprayed all over Brian, even though it only came from a supposed 'small' cut, well in Mini's thoughts anyway. This caused tears to form in Brian's eyes and fall onto the ground as he watch his boyfriends corpse fall. That of course was before he felt something go through his neck which after a few seconds he felt pain, but that didn't last long seeing as how he soon felt nothing and the ground was closer than it should have been..then all he saw was white..

Mini lightly smiled at what he had just done and resisted his urge to lick some blood that's now dripping from his hand,but he decided not to because he knew there was more to be done. He only had 2 pairs of friends left! Then.. he could go after his main target! 

He went on into the kitchen to hear the sobs of his squeaker friend who was probably hiding with Nogla, Mini chuckled quietly and slowly stalked his way over to the cabinet he knew they were in, He also tried his damnedest not to laugh when he heard their screams after he suddenly opened the cabinet door. He (unconsciously) decided to make quick work of them at the same time because for some reason their screams  got to him a bit more than the others but not much. 

He continued to make his way up the stairs calling out for Tyler only to be foolishly stopped by Evan..

"Mini..Craig..please stop!"

Craig scoffed at his friends foolish behavior soon shoving him to the side only to be stopped again but by Delirious this time.

Craig smiled at Delirious's foolish act in bravery and wasted no time in shoving the blade into his friends chest then out and into his head to make sure he was dead and stayed dead. 

After Mini pulled his weapon out of Delirious he pushed him onto the floor. Evan ran up to said friends now corpse and hugged him crying and yelling profanities at Mini that he would have never had the courage to say..till now that is..

Craig scoffed at Evans actions and got ready to put the blade into Evans head till he heard a scream from a few feet away in the hall,he slowly looked to see who he's been trying to find this whole time and said

"Bout time I found you kitty cat~"

Mini said in this sickened sweet tone that neither Evan or Tyler expected as he plunged the knife into Evan anyway causing tears to form and spill out of Tyler's eyes as he watched the blood drain from his best friend. 

Tyler sobbed knowing there was nothing he could do to save him and when Craig started to stalk his way over Tyler cried out for any of his friends to help him. But those cries stopped as Tyler choked on his own sobs when Mini cornered him and brought his face close to his telling him that everyone is dead mostly

..because of him..

Tyler knew he should have cooperated sooner to possibly save the pairs who ran at least! But also knowing the way Mini was now he knew they'd be dead either way. And Mini probably would have forced him to watch them die too..

Tyler tried to find away to get away from Mini but it was to no avail, Mini smiled and kissed Tyler's cheek saying

"Don't worry love..now no one can have you..but me~


AN: yay another chapter done! I had this one done earlier but I have so much stuff going on that I couldn't post it till now so ya..I hope you enjoyed everyone (and madhatter445 since you liked the last one I'd thought I'd tag u x3) and till the next chapter/fic stay beautiful trash mammals!~ =3

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