Yandere!Delirious x Evan

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No one's P.O.V

"Oh Evan~where are you?~" 

Delirious sang then in a somewhat normal tone said 

"The others left but I know your here somewhere!"

 As he calmly walked through the now deadly silent house with small amounts of blood on the walls and himself from equally small cuts and such from the ones who escaped. 

Meanwhile Evan was hiding in Bryce's room because for some reason he felt safer in there than the other rooms where his friends use to stay before this whole ordeal.  He was also trying to hold back his sobs knowing that they would be loud enough to let Del find him sooner  than Evan wanted, plus it would also lead to his brutally painful demise and he didn't want to die yet, he mentally cursed himself out for not doing what his friends did and get the fuck out of there with minor injuries..no..his brain was like..

No that's stupid! Go hide he'll be so distracted by them it'll give you plenty of time to hide where he'll never ever find you!

Then again it is his fault for listening so he quietly cursed himself out to till he heard the door to Bryce's room open which then lead to the eerie  footsteps he now knew all to well, slowly make their way through out the room. It wasn't until the footsteps got uncomfortably close to where Evan was hiding and stop that took everything in Evan not to burst into tears but he (somehow) managed to stay quiet till delirious left.

..That was until he let out a sigh that was  louder than intended which caused the now crazed clown to peep his head back through the doorway and smirk to himself while saying as he (slowly) approached the closet,

"FoUnD yOu!"

When his hiding spot was revealed Evan let out an ear piercing scream that made delirious cover his ears and gave Evan a good amount of time to run out of there this time he went for the door but it was locked,


Was all he could muster out while he brain yelled..

you dumb idiot you should have saw that coming!

Evan grumbled something inaudible and ran to the doorway to the basement because he knew that the garage door was always opened and then he'd be free but when he ran down there he was engulfed in darkness and when he tried the garage door to the outside it wouldn't budge naturally he let out a small whimper but tried to stay calm because maybe Del doesn't know he came down here..

ha..what a joke..

Evan tried to stay quiet but when he suddenly felt an arm slowly wrap around his waist and delirious's clown like laughter behind him he screamed while he could before he fell into an unconsciousness that he would never wake from..

...Soon delirious carried his dying friend up to his room, tied his arms to the bed, then cuddled the corpse it now was, he smiled at him and said,

"now..we can be together....FoReVeR~"

AN: ok so I hope you guys enjoyed this fic cause I tried..there will be more so till the next chapter/fic stay beautiful trash mammals! =3

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