Things Said: Part 1

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Dedicated to @TheNightPhantom because I keep using Smirky. (If you want me to stop using him, feel free to tell me at any time!)

NOTICE: This book is ship-supportive*, so all hateful comments will be deleted. If I'm missing a ship you like and you want it put into the book*, please contact me via email (located on my profile description) or the Wattpad messaging system!

This book is for people to laugh and get drawing/comic/writing inspiration. Feel free to draw any scenarios I put in this book (In fact I'll be really happy if you do!!)

*Ship-supportive UNLESS IT INCLUDES illegal activities such as: Pedophilia, incest, rape/non-con, or abuse. These are things that I am STRONGLY against. (Crack ships are ok as long as they don't have any of the above.)

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Smiley: I know, I'm a real asset.

Smirky: You're off by two letters.

(A good start for this sin.)

Jane: Stop volunteering to take your shirt off. No one's asking you to take your shirt off!

Jeff: Can't hear you, shirts over my ears.

Gabriel: I hope you're not allergic to nuts...

Gabriel: 'Cuz I'm about to kick yours up your throat.

Toby: What are we doing?

Masky: Wasting our lives.

Toby: I meant for lunch.

LJ: This may seem like a really stupid question...

Smiley: There are no stupid questions.

LJ: You inherit 5 million dollars the same day aliens land on the earth and say they're going to blow it up in 2 days. What do you do?

Smiley: That's the stupidest question I've ever heard.

Masky (to Toby): How can you be so stupid?

Slenderman: Hey, that's not very nice. Say you're sorry.

Masky: I'm sorry you're stupid.

Smiley: It's family moments like these I will never forget.

Smirky: With a good therapist, hopefully, I will.

Jeff: I did a bad thing

Gabriel: Does it affect me?

Jeff: No

Gabriel: Then suffer in silence.

Slenderman: If you bite it and you die, it's poisonous. If it bites you and you die, it's venomous.

Jeff: What if it bites me and it dies?

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