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"So, you're an old friend, are you?" Alex hard Freya ask as she makes her way up the stairs.

"Well, That kind of, depends on your definitions." Alex heard an all too familiar voice answer, she enters the upstairs living room and saw someone she thought she would never see again, Stefan Salvatore, Freya looks up as she heard Alex enter.

"Alex, I'm glad you're here," Freya says, Stefan turns around to look at Alex, tilting his head as he looked at her.

"Yeah, I got your note, you told me it was an emergency?" Alex says, she knew Elijah most likely told his siblings about her, what she is and what she could do.

"It is, The Strix, stole Jackson's old heart, the money they tore out," Freya says, she mixes some herbs together in a bowl.

"They found it?" Alex asks. "Okay, nevermind, Marcel probably helped them."

"They want to use it to break the sideline from Elijah and Klaus, can they do that?" Freya asks, Alex lets out a sigh.

"Unfortunately they can," Alex says. "I can't believe they were smart enough to- nevermind." Davina most likely found the loophole.

"Okay, uh well, we need a plan to get it back," Freya says, Alex nods her head.

"All right, it's probably best if they don't leave," Alex says, Freya looks up at Alex. "They already left."

"Yes," Freya says, Alex lets out another sigh.

"Must your brother complicate everything?" Alex asks. "I'm going to go search for them." Freya nods her head.

"Wait," Stefan says, Alex looks up at Stefan. "I know you."

"Good for you," Alex says. "I know you as well, can I go now?"

"No, no, wait, you're Alex Zastrod," Stefan says.

"Congratulations, you remembered my name," Alex says, Freya looks between the two of them.

"Do you know each other?" Freya asks curiously.

"Sadly," Alex says, Stefan glances at the floor.

"Bad history?" Freya asks.

"You could say that," Alex says. "I mean, invading somebody's privacy while they're sleeping? After their brother attacked you, now that's just rude."

"You remember that?" Stefan asks.

"Of course, I remember," Alex says.

"You know, we thought you were dead," Stefan says. "We searched for you."

"I doubt that, Stefan," Alex says. "Because why would everybody suddenly search for the girl they hated the very much, almost as much as they hate Klaus?"

"We were concerned about you," Stefan says.

"How sweet of you," Alex says, her eyes cold and hard. "Too bad I don't believe a word you're saying, I mean, your friends hated me with passion."

"I-" Stefan begins, but Alex was quick to cut him off.

"Speaking of hate, Why are you here in New Orleans? I mean, Klaus lives here, so what made you come all the way over here to the very person you hate the most?" Alex asks, Stefan begins unbuttoning his shirt. "I didn't ask for a strip." Freya chuckles as Stefan showed Alex a mark on his skin. "The mark of the phoenix."

The Angel Demon Hybrid • Elijah Mikaelson [2]Where stories live. Discover now