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1 year & 2 months later

Alex walked through the city of New Orleans gazing at everything around her in amazement, people walked past her laughing or talking loud, loud jazz music filled the streets drowning out most of the noise, Alex comes to a sudden stop in front of a building feeling a strong sense of power radiating from it, she was pulled towards it, she couldn't walk away, she had to enter, she walks towards the entrance and pushes the door open.

Alex gasps sitting up straight as she awakes from her sleep, she looks around her seeing the familiar room she had come to know in the past three months, she had no idea why she was pulled to New Orleans.

"Not again." Alex mumbles, she stood from the old dusty couch and walks towards the window, she looks out it over the city as the sun had barely risen, Kol Mikaelson stood in the corner of the room, watching her.

"Welcome back, darling," Kol says, Alex lets out annoyed groan. "I haven't seen you, let's see, oh that's right, yesterday morning." Alex closes her eyes. "It appears that you just can't stay away."

"If I stay awake I can stay away." Alex mumble.

"Which will be an impossible task, everyone needs to sleep," Kol says. "But you never seem to get enough rest with all this travelling, you must be tired."

"Kol," Alex says.

"I have an idea, you should just move here," Kol says.

"No, Kol," Alex says, she did not want to leave Las Vegas.

"Face it, darling, you will awake in this city each day until you move here." Kol states. "So, just come and live here and figure out what's drawing you to this city." Alex closes her eyes, placing her thumb in her mouth as she nibbles on the nail, Kol was right.

"Perhaps I should, Maybe then I'd get some damn rest," Alex says.

"Great, I shall be your tour guide until you've settled."


"I can't take it anymore, Annemarie," Alex says, tossing clothes into her suitcase. "I can't even say how many times I've awoken in that city, I'm going to go figure out what's drawing me to it."

"I understand, just remember the books," Annemarie says, Alex nods her head."I obviously still need them," Alex says, she closes her suitcases and places them on the ground.

"I'm going to miss you, but I need to know what's going on."

"I'll miss you as well, the house will be quiet," Annemarie says.

"I'll come back the second I figure out what's drawing me towards the place," Alex says, she pulls Annemarie into a hug.

"Rather come and visit if you're not able to figure out what it is that draws you to New Orleans," Annemarie says, they break away from the hug. "But be careful, New Orleans is filled with the supernatural, it draws them in."

"I'll be careful," Alex says. "Remember to call me if you need anything, And I do mean anything, Annemarie," Alex says.

"I will."

The Angel Demon Hybrid • Elijah Mikaelson [2]Where stories live. Discover now