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Alex brings the mug to her lips and takes a sip from the hot chocolate, she sat in a restaurant waiting for her breakfast to be brought as she wasn't in the mood to make her own, she places the mug down on the table and turns the page of the book in her hands, it wasn't long before she felt a presence sitting across from her, without needing to look up she knew who it was.

"Elijah," Alex says.

"Alex..." Elijah says, he wasn't used to calling her Alex, it was something he had to get used to.

"What exactly brings you here?" Alex asks.

"I was in the neighbourhood," Elijah says. "I had heard this place has excellent service." Alex chuckles as she closes her book, she looks up at him as she places the book on the table.

"Why are you really here?" Alex asks, Elijah takes in a deep breath.

"I do not know what you are, and I do not entirely trust you." Elijah begins, but Alex was quick to cut him off.

"You don't trust me at all," Alex says. "Well, not after last night."

"Can you blame me?" Elijah questions. "You disappeared entirely in 2010, and all of a sudden you are here in New Orleans." He looks around them, needing to be sure nobody was listening to their conversation. "Not to mention that you have black wings with horns on them and glowing blue eyes."

"Yet, here you are," Alex says. "Because you're desperate, you need help with something." Elijah lets out a sigh. "But you're not sure if you can trust me enough."

"I can not shake this feeling that you might just be the answer to our problems at the moment," Elijah says, Alex picks up the mug of hot chocolate. "I have told you about my family's history, how we can be killed."

"It does ring a bell," Alex says, she brings the mug to her lips and takes a sip from it.

"Niklaus had made for Rebekah, a small white horse, carved from the white-oak tree," Elijah says. "It was taken from our home last night." Alex nods her head as she places the mug down on the table. "Yes, I am desperate because I fear it might fall into the wrong hands." Alex crosses her arms over her chest.

"And why exactly should I help you?" Alex asks. "I mean, you didn't exactly help me when you offered."

"Can we please have this discussion another time?" Elijah says, he looks around them once again. "Perhaps when we are in a more private area."

"Why hasn't Klaus staked Camille yet? There are people that have done far less than she has, and they're all dead." Alex asks.

"He cares about her," Elijah says. "Aurora thought it would be a fun little game to turn Camille into a vampire."

"She must learn how to control her newly found abilities," Alex says, she uncrosses her arms and picks up the mug. "Before someone kills her."

"Klaus claims he has her under control," Elijah says, Alex takes a sip from her hot chocolate.

"And we both know he had no control over her." Alex states. "She has the white-oak in her possession." Elijah nods his head. "I can sense the distress coming for you, now I don't know who Aurora is or who the Strix are, but they're causing trouble, not just for me, but for everyone else." Alex stood from the chair placing the mug down on the table. "And your first creation, Aya, threatened me, I don't respond too kindly to threads, Elijah." She picks up her book, tucking it underneath her arm. "You owe me breakfast, considering my food is about to arrive."

"I shall pay for your breakfast." Elijah offers.

"I'm so glad to hear you offering, but you were going to pay for it nonetheless," Alex says, she exits the restaurant leaving Elijah with her breakfast and the bill.

The Angel Demon Hybrid • Elijah Mikaelson [2]Where stories live. Discover now