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"Long time no see, brother," Kol says. "Are you not going great me, Elijah?" It took Elijah a moment to get over the shock of seeing his brother.

"Kol, brother," Elijah says, he walks towards Kol and pulls him into a hug. "But how? How is this possible?" They break away from the hug and Kol takes a step towards Alex as she closes the door, he places a hand on her shoulder.

"Our dear hybrid, Alex," Kol says. "But I'm not back just yet."

"You can resurrect my brother?" Elijah asks as he looks at Alex, there was hope in his eyes.

"Yes she can, no matter how long one has been deceased, no matter the cause of death," Kol says.

"The only time when I can't resurrect someone is when the Angels are holding their souls," Alex says. "But that only happens when that person is to be used for something."

"What exactly are you?" Elijah asks.

"Not the threat, brother," Kol says. "Possibly our saviour."

"Hybrid?" Elijah questions. "I doubt part werewolf and vampire."

"Part angel, Part Demon," Alex says.

"The Nephalem," Elijah whispers. "I thought they were extinct, how is this possible?"

"Centuries ago, we were a generation of our own, my kind lived in peace, causing no trouble, but we were seen as an abomination in the eyes of the angels and demons, thus war broke out," Alex says.

"The witches in Africa told me this war," Kol says.

"My kind were slaughtered, but several of them fled, surviving," Alex says. "They hid, deciding to make themselves human to hide from the angels and the demons, they blended in like normal humans, eating, drinking, ageing, even dying from scoreless diseases, organ failures, heart attacks."

"For years they hid in plain sight from the enemy," Kol says.

"We become our true form when we're murdered by the supernatural," Alex says. "When we wake, we seek revenge on the one that killed us."

"Because the hybrid has been revealed, when it wanted to stay hidden," Kol says.

"The Nephalem protects itself, it seeks the creature that has forced it to come out of hiding," Elijah says. "You mentioned your parents were murdered?"

"By humans," Alex says. "Human's can kill us in our human form, any fatal wound as a human would mean death."

"There must have been a weapon, how were the Nephalem's slaughtered? Nature does not allow any being to have such amount of power." Elijah says. "Not without balancing it out."

"We were above nature," Alex says. "But there was a weapon, it took them years to wield it."

"Created by the demons, blessed by the angels," Kol says. "Sharing both the power of heaven and hell."

"They didn't want to waste another second, and went to war with only one deadly weapon," Alex says. "It was lost during the battle."

"It has yet to turn up anywhere, it's untraceable as well," Kol says.

"I've tried finding it, but it's almost like it doesn't exist," Alex says, she walks past Elijah towards the bookshelves where she had her books.

"What if it does not exist?" Elijah asks, Alex takes out a book and opens it.

"It exists," Alex says, she finds the picture of the sword in the book. "Otherwise this wouldn't have been drawn." Elijah speeds up to her and examines the page. "They wrote several books, just in case one of us were to transform back into our true self."

"You are only just starting to learn about yourself?" Elijah asks, Alex nods her head. "About the power you possess?" Alex closes the book and puts it back in its place.

"I have a lot of these to read, many things to learn," Alex says. "Do you see now? I'm not a threat."

"I realize," Elijah says. "I apologize for accusing you." Alex nods her head, Elijah placed his hands on her shoulders. "I wish to help you understand everything about yourself, I wish to help you learn everything there is to know."

"That's a nice offer," Alex says. "I'll think about it because the last time you offered..."

"I won't ask you to take my word on it," Elijah says. "But I will help where I can." Alex nods her head, she could feel his breath close to her ear.

"All right." Alex agrees, she looks over her shoulder at him, their faces inches away from each other. "We must still find Aurora."

"Yes," Elijah whispers.

"If you don't mind, I can search for her tomorrow, I'm a bit tired of today's events," Alex says.

"No, of course," Elijah says. "I understand, you need your rest." Feelings slowly returned, Alex could feel herself becoming nervous around him. "Aurora can wait." Before in Mystic Falls, he had feelings for her, but they appear to be stronger now, was it the power that attracted him to her or was it, love?

"Holy fuck, you two are blind." Kol mumbles.

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