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Alex steps out of the apartment building she was living in, she looks around and saw Jackson standing in front of a building looking a little lost, Alex walks towards him curious if he was lost or stalking her.

"So uh are you lost or are you stalking me?" Alex asks, Jackson turns to look at her.

"You can see me?" Jackson asks shocked, Alex's eyes widen.

"Ugh fuck," Alex says, she takes out her phone from her jacket and places it against her ear. "What happened?"

"I was killed," Jackson says, but he was more curious about how Alex could see him. "How can you see me?"

"I will explain everything, but you have to come with me," Alex says, Jackson runs his hand through his hair.

"No, you need to go and find Elijah, you need to tell him Hayley's in there along with my body," Jackson says.

"Absolutely not, I don't want to speak with him," Alex says. "But I'm sure he will do anything in his power to get her back, but right now, let me help you." Jackson nods his head realizing it wouldn't help to argue with her, Alex turns around removing the phone from her ear and putting it back into her jacket, they enter the apartment building she lived in and went towards the elevator, they enter the elevator and Alex presses her floor button.

"You live here?" Jackson asks, he was amazing with how expensive the place looked.

"Temporary." Alex states. "Just a heads up, once you enter my apartment, everyone will be able to you in your ghost mode."

"Ghost mode?" Jackson asks, Alex gives him a side smirk.

"That's what I like to call it," Alex states, Jackson nods his head. "I have a visitor as well." They step out of the elevator and walk towards her apartment door. "You probably know her." Alex unlocks the door and steps into her apartment.

"Back so soon?" Kol asks, Kol looks past Alex and sees Jackson standing there. "Oh, don't tell me you've decided to start collecting dead people now." Davina looks up at Kol confused, Jackson steps into the apartment.

"Jackson?" Davina asks, she quickly realizes what Kol meant.

"I hate this part, I hate being able to see the dead." Alex mumbles. "I'm going to retrieve his body, and Kol, you can have the honour of explaining to him what's going to happen." Kol nods his head.

"All right, well, first things first." Kol begins, Alex closes her eyes searching for Jackson's body, she finds in the building Jackson was standing in front of and teleports herself into the building, she opens her eyes and saw Jackson's corpse tied to a chair and Hayley in the chair next to his body.

"Who's there?" Hayley asks, Alex walks around the chairs so Hayley could see her.

"I'm here to help," Alex states, the breaks the chains that were holding Jackson's body, his body hits the floor with a thud.

"How? They already killed him." Hayley says. "They killed him in front of me." Alex breaks the chains that were holding Hayley down, Alex brings her index finger to her lips showing Hayley to keep quiet.

"Sh," Alex says, she picks up Jackson's body and places him over her shoulder. "They're coming." Hayley's eyes turn yellow, she was ready to fight.

"We can take them." Hayley whispers, Alex placed her hand on Hayley's shoulder and teleports them back to her apartment. "What the hell?" Hayley looks around confused.

"Hayley!" Jackson says, Hayley's eyes fall on Jackson.

"Jack?" Hayley says, she speeds towards Jackson and examines him.

"Yeah, listen, I was not in the mood to fight," Alex says, she lays Jackson's body down on the floor.

"How is this possible? I saw them kill you." Hayley mumbles. "Your heart was..."

"He's still dead." Kol states, Hayley spins around and saw Kol and Davina standing in the kitchen area.

"What's going on?" Hayley asks, she looks at Alex waiting for an answer.

"Kol will explain everything to you," Alex says while turning her gaze to Jackson. "Are you ready?" Alex sits down on the floor next to Jackson's body.

"Yeah," Jackson says, Alex nods her head and moves her hands to hover over Jackson's chest.

"I'm going to create a new heart, your chest might be sore for a couple of days, but that is normal," Alex says, Jackson nods his head. " Can you come and lay next to your body?" Jackson walks towards his own body and lays down, Hayley watches the scene intently as Kol explained everything to her. "Are you ready?"

"Yes," Jackson says, Alex closes her eyes creating the heart inside her mind before she starts to create the heart inside his chest, light shines out from the hole in Jackson's chest as life flows through him and his chest slowly begins to heal, Alex could feel herself become tired as she pushed her powers to heal and bind his soul to his body once again, Jackson's eyes open as his ghost disappears as he gasps for air, Alex removes her hands from his chest and sits back.

"You did it," Jackson says, he pushes himself into a sitting position and places his hand over his chest. "I've gotta admit, I didn't think it was possible." Alex breathes heavily next to him, Hayley speeds towards Jackson and falls to her knees wrapping her arms around him.

"You're alive." Hayley states. "You're really alive, she did it," Hayley whispers as tears form on her eyes, Kol speeds towards Alex and places his hand on her shoulder.

"Are you all right, darling?" Kol asks, Alex slowly nods her head as she struggled to catch her breath.

"I'll be fine," Alex says. "You know, I'm going to be unconscious when I bring you back, right?" Kol chuckles nodding his head, Hayley pulls back from Jackson and looks at Alex.

"Are you all right?" Hayley asks, Alex nods her head.

"Bringing somebody back from the dead takes a lot of power and energy," Kol says, Hayley nods her head. 

"Thank you, for bringing him back," Hayley says. "And uh, Elijah's been looking for you."

"You best not tell him where to find her, he has hurt her, and she's not ready to speak to him yet," Kol says, Hayley was about to protest when Alex fell unconscious.

The Angel Demon Hybrid • Elijah Mikaelson [2]Where stories live. Discover now