Day One

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Krystelle's Point Of View

"How did I get in here with you freaks?"

"Hey Kathie"

"Yeah?" Katherine looks up from her drawing.

"Why are you here?" I ask

"I never told you?" She questions.

"Nope!" I say.

"I have really bad anger issues!" She says happily.

"Really, you never seemed angry to me"

"It's getting better, but honestly, I like it here, I don't want to leave." She says, continuing to sketch on her paper.

"Honestly, I don't either, it's kinda fun! I don't have to go to school!" I reply.

"Yeah. Why are you here?" She asks.

"Anxiety and bad bipolar," I say bluntly.

"Thought so," She says.

"Are you the type of person that can look at someone's eyes and know exactly what's wrong with them?" I ask.

"Yeah, is that a problem?" She raises her eyebrows.

"No! I can do the same thing!" I say.

"That's cool. I've never found anyone else that can do that" She smiles and continues to draw, "NATALIA! I NEED MY PENCIL SHARPENED"

Natalia, Kathie, Jacklyn, and I's main guard, walked over with a pencil sharpener. Kathie slips her pencil through the hole in the cell and Natalia sharpens it, and gives it back to Kathie.

"Don't kill anyone with it," She says and walks back over to her chair.

Kathie continues to draw and I sit on my bed. I cross my legs and reach up to the bars over my bed. I grab one of them and pull myself up. I do this a lot when I'm bored. It's kinda fun.

Charlie, another guard walks to our cell,  with Jacklyn at his side.

"JACKY!" I yell as Jacklyn comes through the cell door.

I run up to her and hug her. She pulls away and sits on her bed.

"How was therapy?" I ask and sit next to her.

"Same as usual. Useless. By the way, we're going outside today" She says

"Cool!" I say.

"I'm hungry" Kathie looks up from her drawing and puts down her pencil, "When's lunch?"

                                             "Soon, " Jacky says.

"LUNCH" Charlie yells.

Natalia comes over and unlocks our cell, Jacky, Kathie, and I walk out and towards the cafeteria. Today the lunch is actually okay, which is not normal for this place.

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