"You speak too much when in private. And Okay as in yes, i would love to be your boyfriend and your date." Liam said in such a small voice his neck and cheeks deep crimson making Zayn coo at his cuteness.

Zayn smiled wide.

"Can i try something? Only if you trust me enough." Zayn came close as ever.


Zayn leaned in and their lips touched. At first they both were still but soon enough their lips started to move in sync, no wildness, no biting, just a loving long passionate kiss. Liam pulled away breathless with the butterflies that come alive.

Liam has never felt this in his life

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Liam has never felt this in his life. When he and Cameron kissed only once in a while, they were short and like his tongue would just choke Liam for seconds. No feelings and no love which was totally opposite to what he is feeling right now.

"Liam, i like you so much and want to know you more and keep you safe,happy and that smile of yours to exist forever." 'But the truth is i have loved you all along for a while'  Zayn couldn't bring himself to say that.

"I like you too and thank you for coming in my life." Liam said engulfing him in a hug. It was more like a koala hug which Liam gives to special people when he is too happy and that is very rare.

"Oh by the way, i was wondering, is this your apartment? Where does your parents live then? " Zayn asked.

"Actually they live a few metres away only, i 'lived' with them all this time and this is Niall's place, his family lives in Ireland actually. Anyways i was practically living here so i moved here, not that anyone want me there." Liam mumbled the last part, Zayn was quick to catch but he let it pass for now.

"So, its Sunday today, what do you wanna do? " Zayn got out of the bed and stretched. He was shirtless his abs prominent and the tattoos at point. Liam couldn't help but stare.

"Um i don't know, maybe we all can catch a movie or watch Netflix at your house? " Liam said gesturing to all five of them. He wanted the alone time but it's just the start and he just got the privilege to call the best boy in the world his. My Liam. He thought.


Zayn's POV

I was standing outside this weird school's building waiting for the students to disperse with Louis because Louis wanted to surprise his 'precious kitten'. I saw the same brunette head coming out with Harry and Niall giggling.


He was the boy who i just got way too attached from the day i saw him for the very first time at the movies. He has not left my mind since day one.

His perfect curles, his cutest smile, his lips so plump, his chocolaty eyes. He looks like an adorable and innocent puppy. I just want him to be mine and to keep him safe in my arms.

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