"Come on."he says grabbing the rest of the plates and heading to his veranda. My face dawns in understanding as I grab our coffees and follow him. He places the food on the coffee table outside before taking a seat on one of the chairs. I place the mugs on the table. walking around him to take a seat on the other chair when arms encircle my waist, pulling me down on a lap. I raise an eyebrow in amusement at a smirking Damien.

"You do know my ass will be more comfortable on a chair, right?'

He scoffs, pulling me close."You and I both know that's bullshit."

Sadly, I had to admit that he was right. I mean, which sane girl would want to sit on a chair when she could sit comfortably on a hot guy's lap, enjoying his warm embrace? I roll my eyes at his cockiness before leaning forward to place pancakes on a plate. It's tough using a knife and fork while sitting on his lap so I resort to using my fingers as my utensils. Rolling a pancake, I hold it out to Damien who grins when he realises I'm feeding him. We eat in silence, enjoying each other's company. Once we're done, I stand up to put the dirty dishes in the kitchen but Damien holds me tighter.

"Don't go. just sit here with me for a moment." He says and I nod, snuggling closer into him. And we just sit there, looking at New York's skyline. The noise of the bustling traffic and people below us traveled up to us, though slightly muffled but in that moment, I never felt more peaceful.

 The noise of the bustling traffic and people below us traveled up to us, though slightly muffled but in that moment, I never felt more peaceful

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"go out on a date with me." I turn to Damien who was once again hugging me from behind as we leaned against the railing. 


"Yeah." I stare at him in slight surprise before nodding,"Yeah, I'd like that." He smiles at me, pecking me before turning me back so that my back faced his chest.

"How about we go out for lunch and start our date from there?"He asks me and I nod happily.

"Sounds great."

We chat for a little while before I decide that I should head home and get changed for our date. I change back into my clothes from the previous night and grab my stuff. Damien wants to send me home but I say no. I mean, my car was here after all. He finally relents and makes me promise to call him when I'm home even though I live less than 10 minutes away. I kiss him goodbye, more like make out with him for 10 minutes and head to my car. As I'm parking in my spot, I realise that I left my jacket on his bedside table. It's okay, I can get it later. I call him once I'm up in my penthouse and he says that he'll come over around 11.30. So, I've got about 2 hours before he gets here. I head into the shower and once I'm done, I wrap a towel around me before heading to my walk in closet. glancing at my clothes, I bite my lip, mulling over what to wear for our date. I tried asking Damien where we were going but he remained tight-lipped. I personally think he hasn't planned anything yet. Since I'm pretty sure we weren't going anywhere super fancy,, I grab a pair of slightly ripped skinny jeans and a sleeveless white top. Pairing the outfit with a denim jacket, I wear flats cause I don't wanna spend my whole day with blistering feet. keeping my makeup simple and natural, I leave my hair down in big waves smiling at my reflection.

Black Winter[Completed]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora