Chapter 16

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I spent Sunday cleaning my apartment, doing laundry and going grocery shopping and planning a operation in my head. Title: Operation Avoid Damien. I knew I was slowly but surely falling for the billionaire but that couldn't happen. First off, he was my business partner and there was no way I was mixing pleasure with business. Secondly, if we ended badly, it would place unwanted tension between our families. Sure, my dad saw Jack as his brother and Damien as a son but I was his first priority and there was no way I would ever jeopardise their relationship. Thirdly, I knew Damien was not the relationship kinda guy. I know that his wild party days were behind him but that didn't mean he was ready for a relationship. Besides, there was no way he could ever like me that way. And, lastly the most important point of all, I had sworn off love after him  and I had no plans of ever giving my heart away to anyone,not that there was much left in the first place. Plus, Damien deserved better. Like I told my dad in the very beginning, broken can't fix broken. I needed to keep my distance from him and reconstruct those icy walls around my heart which were slowly thawing.

Heading to the office, I greet my employees, ignoring the whispers about the gala. Sitting at my desk, I tell Margaret to make sure no one disturbs me, not even Damien. We would usually grab lunch together and sometimes coffee but I needed to avoid him and lucky for me, I had my hotel opening as an excuse. I had managed to get most of the issues ironed out during my short trip there but there were still a couple of things that I needed to review and perfect for opening night. I had royalty attending the opening and I needed to make sure proper protocol was followed. Taking a deep breath, I power up my Mac and get to work. A few hours later, I had completed everything regarding the hotel and was now focusing on the company paperwork. Staring at the document in front of me, I sigh as I realise that I need to meet Damien about this. Rolling my stiff shoulders, I grab the document and walk out of my office. Knocking on his door, I hear a "Come in" and push the door open. He has his reading glasses perched on his nose bridge, making him look seriously hot. He takes his glasses off, smiling broadly at me.

"Hey. Haven't seen you all morning."

I stand in front of his desk, smiling formally back.

"Yeah, anyway sorry to disturb but I need you to review this. I've done my part so once you're done, just pass it to Margaret and she'll file it. Thanks."  Placing the paper on his desk, I shoot him a quick smile and turn to leave but he stops me.

"Woah, what's the rush? At least sit with me for a couple of minutes." he says in surprise. I shake my head, forcing myself to appear calm.

"Uhh, thanks but I've got tons of work to do. i'll see you later." I walk out quickly, leaving him stunned.

Shutting my office door behind me, I slap my forehead cursing under my breath.  Jesus, Alex, you're such a fool. Acting so sketchy and foolish. Shaking my head, I sit back down but I can't focus on the damn words. Throwing the papers down on the desk, I walk to the little wardrobe in the corner of the room and grab my yoga clothes, which was a pair of yoga tights and a sports bra. Changing quickly, I warm up before doing some yoga stretches. Besides working out, yoga was the one thing that could relax my mind and since I couldn't exactly head to a gym right now, this was my only option. I lose myself in my yoga, shutting my eyes and allowing my body and mind to relax and open up. Doing one of the toughest poses, the Yoganidrasana or Yoga Sleep Pose, I allow myself to drift off, content and blissful.

 Doing one of the toughest poses, the Yoganidrasana or Yoga Sleep Pose, I allow myself to drift off, content and blissful

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