Chapter 22

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I pull up in front of HQ and park my car in the underground parking. Walking down the hallways, agents walk up to Damien, telling him how glad they are that he's okay and feeling better. We walk into one of our many operations rooms and I find Casey sitting behind a computer. He turns around when he hears us coming in. Giving me a hug and doing that man-hug thing that guys do with Damien, we sit down, me making sure that Damien's comfortable and as far away as possible from the glare of the computer screen. Jay walks in a few minutes later, glaring at me for making him drive here and I blow a kiss at him, causing him to scowl even more. We get seated and Casey pulls up what looks like a traffic camera footage.

"I spoke to Justin about that night. This is his statement."

We were driving down the freeway, nothing out of the ordinary. We did not have any one tailing us. A black Escalade entered the freeway from the 551 exit and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Then, all of a sudden, it veered to the right and before neither of us could process what was happening, they hit our car full force and I lost control of the car. I slammed on the brakes but the car turtled and  overturned in the ditch. Everything's a bit blurry after that. i faintly remember climbing out and seeing Jay and Casey's car on the opposite side of the road.

The recording ends and I turn to Damien.

"Is that what happened?"

He remains thoughtful for a few minutes before nodding,"Yeah except I blacked out as soon as we got hit. The next thing I remember, I woke up in the hospital with you."

I nod, biting my lip. 

"Both accounts match but what I don't understand is how they knew we were going to be there. Our shipments are scheduled randomly at different times and we always take long routes to the warehouse. you guys said no one was following you so how did they know you were going to be on that freeway at that exact moment?"

The boys mull over my words and jay pipes up,"Who knew about the shipment?"

Casey replies,"The four of us and Justin. None of the others knew anything."

"Is it possible that Justin may have let slip a few details to the others?"I ask.

"I doubt it. He was sworn to secrecy but even if he did, what difference does it make?" Casey says in confusion but Damien catches on to my train of thought.

"Wait angel, you don't think one of ours are working for The Syndicate, do you?"

I shrug,"Right now, I'm considering all possibilities, including the possibility that we have a mole."

Casey shakes his head in aghast,"Come on Alley, we're a family. There's no way one of us is a traitor."

"I'm not saying we do but I'm not ruling out the possibility. All I know is that The Syndicate has their eye on us. They've struck once and they're gonna do it soon but this time, we're gonna be prepared."

The boys nod, considering the possibility and continue discussing about it. I tune out, focusing on the camera footage that's playing on the huge screen in front of the room. The footage keeps playing on loop and I try to single out a single detail that could tell us more about them. I've been watching the video for 10 times now and I could hear the faint voices of the boys behind me, talking about who could be the possible mole. Just then, my eye catches on to something, a detail so small that if you were not looking for it, you would miss it. My head cocks to the side and I bite my lip, a habit of mine when I'm deep in thought.

"Angel?" Damien's voice cuts through, halting jay and Casey's conversation. I wasn't aware  that he was watching me. He walks closer to me and looks at me.

Black Winter[Completed]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz