"Wouldn't have it any other way." I said with a soft smile. I don't care what people say about my senses being dull I swear to the wolf god's I heard his wolf howl.

The rest of my stay at the hospital, he sat there and we just talked. I suprisingly knew very little about my own mate. His favorite color was purple, his favorite food was steak, he loved the outdoors more than anything, he could sing, and he could draw. That's what caught my attention the most.

"Do you have any pictures?" I asked getting excited. For the first time he actually blushed.

"Yeah, actually at the pack house in my room." He said looking away in embarassment and I giggled.

"Well, when we get back you'll have to show me!" I said bouncing with excitment and he looked at me softly.

"Alright when we get back." He shot me a dazzling smile which sent goosebumps up and down my arms. The rest of my stay went by in a blur.

We left the hospital, got a bite to eat, wondered around the mall, and just enjoyed the day. The longer I spent with Blake the more i fell in love with him. It trully was amazing. 

"Don't get mad." His voice was very cautious. We had just pulled up to an ice cream parlor and I felt the anticipation wind up in my stomach. What the hell did he do now? I could feel a little bit of my wolf radiate anger and caution.

"Well, It is only January and my father says..." He trailed off putting his hand near his face and nervousness welled up inside my gut.

"He says he says?" I asked prodding him on and he looked down at me. He oredered himself a chocolate icecream and me a cookiedough scoop.

"He wants you to go back to school." He mumbld very lightly and my heart sank along with my confidence.

"And its Westridge school." He grumbled quickly and I felt my heart pound in anxiety. My old school. The one where I was bullied, thrown around like a rag doll, and ridculed for my bruises. I huffed out a breath of disbelief/

He wrapped his arm around my waist settling my hyperventalation. I felt my vision go blurry, but his precense kept me awake.

"But no the bright side," His breath fanned over my ear making me shiver with excitment, "I never finished my senior year, I'm going with you., and so is the rest of my brothers" His chest rumbled making goosebumps appear on my arms. 

I have nothing to worry about now. I'll be just fine. With Christopher in my grade and Alexander just above my grade. Lucas would be a Freshmen, but he is a very bright kid, and I'm sure if Alexander was going so is Lex. She wouldn't let him go to be fawned over by all the girls. I smiled at the thought of going to school with them.

"So, you aren't mad?" He looked down at me expectantly and I grinned.

"Absolutley," I said pausing looking at his reaction and it fell. A frown pulled at the corner of his lips and I poked his side making him jump," not. I'm glad you guys will be there." 

A smile as big as ever made its way onto his lips and he kissed my temple.

We slowly made our way back to the pack house. We enjoyed every second together and I felt a ball of emotions well up inside the pit of my stomach, but why?

Once we made it to the pack house I felt like I was finally home. 

It was later in the evening after supper that everything had happened.

Me and Blake werei n the game room and I felt my eyes getting heavier and heavier with each round pf Mario go cart we played.

"Sleepy?" He asked lightly when my head nodded down.

I jerked up and shook my head vigourously.

He turned off the tv and we walked me down the hall to my room. I was confused.

"No," I said looking up at him and he gave me a curious expresison, "I want to go to your room." He looked shocked for a moment then a blush fell on his cheeks and I smiled. He looked so happy.

"You can look at the drawings tomorrow, but for today I think we should leave it here." He said stiffly and a pang of guilt and pain rose in my chest.

He doesnt want to sleep in the same bed as me.

"Alright." I said letting go of his hand. I saw him jolt forward to grab my hand again on reflex, but he stopped himself and that hurt more than me shifting.

"Goodnight." I whispered through the cracked door as I pressed it shut.

What is he doing to me? why is he shutting me out now? 

Panic at the thought welled up inside me. I'll have to ask someone for help.

Blake's POV 

She whispered through the door a good night and I felt my heart rip into two.

"Goodnight Angel." I whispered. I knew she didn't hear me. Her senses are going dead or changing into a human. Soon she will be, in the packs eyes, less than an omega. The anger sent me fuming.

She probably got the wrong idea. Knowing Cara she of course got the wrong idea. She is turning human and if I touch her, if she touches me, or if she even looks at me with lust filled eyes my wolf will take over and we will break her.

I could never do that to her. I sighed turning to go to my room.

I walked down the hall and up the winding stair case. I reached the door with the green sign over it and entered. 

I threw myself onto the bed and groaned like a two year old. 

Not even three minutes later I passed out letting the exhaustion of the day pull me into the deepest sleep in a long time.

Cara's POV 

You know what I hate most? Idiots. You know whos and idiot? Blake. And i'm gonna put a stop to this. I pulled away from my computer and looked at my alrm clock by my bed. Damn. I stayed up until 3:00 am? 

I really should have Alexander give me sleeping medicine for my insomnia. 

I got up and threw on some pjs. I opened the door and the hall was dark. Worse thing in the world is to wake up sleeping wolves so I decided to tread carefully.

I made my way to the stair case and went upstairs. I sniffed deeply, but couldn't smell Blake anywhere. Is he gone in the middle of the night or were my senses still wacky? 

There were 4 doors. I feel like this is a life or death situation. One door had a green sign, one had a purple sign, one had a blue sign, and one had a yellow sign.

I automatically ruled out yellow Blake hates yellow, and I know the Blue one is  Jason's and I knew that would be an awkward encounter. So, it's down to the purple and green.

I knew what door it was. I reached for the handle and twisted it open slowly. I paniced when it creaked and stopped. 

I peered inside and my eyes grew wide with shock.

You have got to be kidding me.....

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