Chapter 23

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The light from the window fell directly onto my eyelids and I started batting my eyes open as soon as I had, a dark figure covered the light. I breathed in deeply, but couldn't pick up a scent for some reason. I opened my eyes and saw Blake's massive body blocking the light.

"Sorry did it wake you Angel?" He asked softly hoping I'd go back to sleep again. 

"Yeah, what time is it?" I asked trying to pick up a scent again, but I couldn't smell Blake's scent at all. I couldn't smell the antiseptic that is of this hospital room. I couldn't smell anything.

"Its 8:45 am." He said sitting up on the bench connected to the wall. His deep maroon eyes shown brilliantly. I sat up stretching out my sore muscles. My bones amd muscles ached from not being used in so long. 

I took another deep whiff finally able to smell something fimilar. Coffee. 

The door opened and Ethan ran in followed behind Lex. She had two cups of coffee in her hands one for her and one I assume for me. I sighed in relief. 

"Morning sleeping beauty." She giggled handing me the hot styrofoam cup. I took in a deep whiff. The sharp smell intoxicaed my head and I took a small sip. The sharp taste was even better than the smell. The caffine went into my blood streams straight away making me feel light hearted and perky. 

"Cara!" Ethan squealed as he jumped onto my bed knocking around my cup, it spilled a little down my hospital gown and I hissed in pain. Blake shot up growling helping me straight away.

"What..?" I asked I normally am able to stop that from happening my reflexes are slower. What's wrong?

The nurse came in with a new gown all ready. Wolves. 

"What's wrong with me? My senses are dulled and reflexes slower." I said. My heart started pounding and I felt a panic attack coming over me. She helped me change into the new robe and looked at Blake and Lex nervously.

"It was the coma. It's gonna be a little while before you're senses come back. After a while without using them it will take a little bit to get them up and running again." She smiled politley and I nodded. That makes sense.

I sat up scared to stand up on legs that I haven't stood up on in a while.  My heart rate slowed back to normal pace and my wolf shifted, but only slightly. Blake stood there patiently waiting for me. 

I stood up and was surprised by how well I was able to withstand my own weight.

Ethan puled himself up onto the bed and stood up he giggled then wrapped his arms around my neck and his legs around my hip. I held him up with such ease, but Blake didn't trust my own strength. He took my arm just incase.

 "I'm so glad you're not a.." Ethan started, but was cut off by Lex.

"Hey kiddo why don't we go get you some decent breakfast?" Lex rushed out and Ethan looked at her curiously. Ethan quickly nodded, but with a shocked face. He pecked me on the corner of my mouth and followed Lex out leaving me and Blake alone.

I turned toward him and he was looking at Lex's exit. For some reason that sent a sharp jab of pain through my heart. I shook it off and sat on the bed.

"So, I'm allowed to leave today right?" I asked trying to start some sort of conversation. He snapped out of whatever trance he was in and looked down at me with such care in his eyes it actually made me want to squeal.

If my mom says this is my Always i'll believe her. My mom was never wrong. I have to at least try. 

"Yeah, and you are never leaving my sight again." He winked and I felt a major blush fall over my face. He took my hand and pressed it to his lips gently making pleasure and longing fill my body.

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