Chapter 25 (Koretta and her mom's convo)

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Chapter 25

" what  about Koretta, cause i don't have nothing to say to you or Josh!" mom shouted "yeh well i want to ask you ,my perfect mother!" i scream the last part  what  have i done to you, for you to give me those dirty looks?" i ask in  a stern tone  tapping my left foot waiting for her response,  "you know i loved Josh like he was my own son, from  he was a small baby  three years old you two have been great friends and  eversince you and him  started this stupid relationship and dating thing,

cause i know he took your virginity also " she reply  with raised eyebrows " hey  listen to who's talking well mommy dearest fyi this is my body ,my virginity and i'm 18 years old now not 8 ok even if i wanted to lose it to the devil i could ok  and atleast me and  Josh started a relationship before i lost it  and he is a special  guy and he was the one who i wanted to loose it to  anyway   and  not  some guy that would just leg it as he got it from me i mean the guy love and treat me like i'm a goddess and i love him for who he is and he love's me  the  same way too, and when you lost your virginity you was only 15 years old and the guy you lost yours to was a rapist 

it  was'nt my dad ok i know and a lot of things have change  mom don't you wanna know your grandchildren when they are born?" i ask , i guess I already knew the answer to my own question but i wanted to hear it from mom though,  " well not really infact i wan't you out of here now!"mom   scream pointing to the door, "fine!" i scream  stamping up the stairs i went in my room and pack all my things and put my laptop in  it's bag soon i was finish packing all my belongings i pull all three  suitcases downstairs and call Josh and let him know what just happened.....


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