Chapter 40 Koretta and Josh Wedding day!!:)

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Thanks for your support to all my fans,readers and writers this is the big day for Josh and Koretta thanks to all of you for voting,commenting and fanning and all of you who support me throughout this sequel i'll love to thank you for your help and support once again. But this chapter is dedicated to a great writer,friend,fan and i could'nt ask for a more sweeter friend on here its dedicated to EKshortstories, thanks for everything you've done for me you're great,kind,sweet and i think you're always smiling too meaning very pleasant too thanks.


When i woke up this morning i could feel Josh tracing my face ,after he was finish tracing my face ,my eyes slowly open "i hope i did'nt wake you" he muttered " no you did'nt i was already wake before you trace my whole face " i reply getting closer to him we were now in eachother's arms and we started kissing i wo'nt be seeing Josh for the rest of the day until we both are at the church where we'll be getting married , our kiss turned out into a make out session but it was short lived because in the middle of it Josh phone recieved a text and he had to get the phone he read the text and it was from his pageboys and Chris his dad so after his shower and breakfast he left

but my bridesmaid came for me just after Josh left it was a good thing that Josh and i both had our jaccuzi shower together and we ate breakfast together too Collin brought the girls after i got dress i got London and Paris dress and brought their dressing clothes along in the bag with everything else i brought them to their nan and left with the girls, Collin drove on a back street i have never seen before i was so nervous i was shaking vigorously , and i think Amelia and Zendaya notice how i was shaking "hey Koretta calm down take deep breaths in and exhale" Amelia told me and i did and try to calm myself before anyone else notice because i was feeling kind of embarressed a little

i try everything but nothing work , so i thought i would just think back on some great memories when Josh and i first saw eachother i was sitting on my bed in the children's ward in union,Kentucky hospital with a tears stained face and he came over and sat down beside me on the bed " what's wrong Koretta? is it because your mommy went ?" he ask then i remember shaking my head slowly in response to him then he kiss my lips and tell me that my mommy will be back tomorrow , then i felt a shake and i was back to reality "hey Koretta we are here now " Amelia said "where are we anyway ?" i ask then i look up i saw the sign Linda's brides and bridesmaid hair and beauty parlour "Amelia i just saw the sign so you don't need to tell me where we are again

we all walk inside and i was greeted by a guy who work's at the parlour but he was gay i could tell, others went off to get their hair done by Linda and the other hairdressers , i could tell that he was because of how he acts his name was Raja he was indian too so that's why his name Raja was spell like that and not Roger " now Koretta i'll be giving you a great hair do with one of my celebrity brides look but here is the celebrities brides this magazine have all of the celebrity hair do so you just need to take a long and hard look in that hairstyles magazine and once you see the celebrity bride you would like to look like today just highlight the page and give me the name of the one ok" he told me "ok then "i reply ,i took a seat and was looking in the magazine when i saw Angelina Jolie i carefully highlighted the page and told Raja who i wanted to look like today,

three hours later and all of us was now ready to leave the parlour i look in the mirror at my hair and could'nt believe how i looked so beautiful ,and also while we were at the parlour we just got our make up done too after we left in the limo half hour later i was back home getting in my wedding dress after Zendaya,Amelia,Taylor,Bella,Maddison and Roselyn got dress in their bridesmaid dresses they came and give me a helping hand with my dress and my veil and Maddy and Bella held my dress train while i walk to the limo i got in then they got in after , they all looked fabulous i had on my red small diamond studded necklace with matching earrings too that Josh bought me i check the time on my golden wrist watch and surely the time flew by fast cause it was already 2:49 and the ceremony was 3:15 "hey girls its already 2:49 " i told them with a shock expression still on my face i just could'nt believe how fast the time flew by but soon we arrive at the church i got out of the limo fast cause the time was now 3:00 and this time it was Zendaya and Bella best friends who held my dress train while i walk " Koretta i would have brought you in if i was'nt at risk with mr Hutcherson of losing my job as the family chauffer" Collin said jokingly "i know you would Collin" i reply with a smile

and finally!" i was at the door way of the church and i saw my dad i could see that he was relief to see me here now , and Katherine was standing by him in her purple dress that we bought with the basket of red petals ready to scatter them in the aisle she gave me a smile and thumbs up then i had my bouquet directly infront of me then dad link arms with me and walk me down to my precious prince charming but i was still a bit tense and nervous and to be honest i have never felt so nervous or tense in my life yet even when i was having sex for the first and i knew i would'nt be a virgin any more i was'nt feeling nervous or tense and i know that my body now belong's to Josh , dad now handed me over to Josh at the alter and went back to his seat in the front,

now we we were standing infront of the minister " who's supporting this young lady in marriage to this young man?" the minister ask " we do " everyone stood up and shouted "ok could you please remain standing?" he ask and everyone remain standing " before god we have come today for marriage in holy matrimony for this young woman and this young man ,but before lets bow our heads in prayer for Koretta and Josh who today are joining hearts to become one before you give them your blessings and always strengthen their love for eachother .Amen.


Then the minister read a poem while we are standing i'm looking in to Josh beautiful hazel eyes ,the poem the minister read was (with your hand in my hand we walk together our love so strong ,yet so tender and free our hearts beat as one and our thoughts are very beautiful for as my eyes meet yours there is no doubt our lives have touched and throughout all eternity the beauty shall be there as sure as the wind ,as sure as we care as sure as we love.

Then the minister wanted to know if we wrote anything special that we would love to say to eachother first before he carry on, i told him we had'nt written anything for eachother in just a whisper that only him could hear me and not the whole church, "ok Koretta Adeleade Desilva ,do you take Joshua ,Ryan Hutcherson to be your lawful wedded husband to have and to hold to love and to cherish from this day forward ,for richer or for poorer ,for better or for worse in sickness and in health till death do you part "i do!" i reply loud enough so everyone could hear me even in the back row "Joshua,Ryan Hutcherson do you take Koretta, Adeleade Desilva to be your lawful wedded wife to have and to hold and to love and to cherish from this day forward for better or for worse richer or for poorer in sickness and in health till death do you part " i do!" Josh reply

" at this time i ask you to place the wedding rings in my hands , so Alexander as in Ludwig place the rings in the minister's hand "may the lord bless these rings which you give as a sign of love and devotion Amen.

" Josh as you place Koretta's ring on her finger i ask that you repeat these words after me "with this ring i thee wed "with this ring i thee wed" Josh repeated after him, " now Koretta as you place Josh's ring on his finger i ask that you repeat these words after me "with this ring i thee wed" " "with this ring i thee wed" i repeated after the minister ,

"May you always share with eachother the gifts of love and be one in heart and may you create a home together that puts in your heart love,generousity and kindness, what therefore god hath join together let no man put asunder so the power invested in me by almighty god and by the state of Los angeles,california i now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride " the minister told Josh and he look relieve and a sigh escape his lips before he kiss me and that kiss was so passionate it was full with passion,love,kindness , i felt like i was flying but of course not ,but that's how powerful it was my eyes was closed and i was lost in a world of my own

" welcome to the family Koretta" Connor , shouted as he hug me......





thanks for reading but wedding reception then the epilogue and it will end:( .

Friendship that blossomed into true love (A Josh Hutcherson love story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें