Chapter 41 ( Wedding Reception(aka)the after party

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Chapter  41  at the wedding reception 

This chapter will be dedicated to one  special  fan that supported me  throughout the beginning of  my first book until now  the end of my sequel and a lot of huge thanks to all my fans,readers and the writers also thanks for voting,commenting,adding and liking my works i really appreciated your help and support thanks again. This chapter is dedicated to  a  great  fan of mine  its  Hungergames98 thanks for  your  support from the first book till the end of the sequel maybe i'll write a prequel but i'm unsure at the moment anyway thanks again.

Chapter 41

After our Ceremony was finish we went out of the church and now that all of us was outside the church  Josh and i took photos together, some kissing ,two  with his hands around my waist and mine around his neck   and  another one in his arms bridal style then after  him and Alexander the best man took some then he took some with the pageboys too which was Liam,Justin,Brendan,Connor,Ben and Dr Shaw too even though he was a bit too old to be pageboy , but my aunt Roselyn  was my  bridesmaid and age is just a number 

after  i took some with my bridesmaid also i took with both families too and i took three with Michelle who was now my mother in law  i took two with Elena and Katherine  and then i took four with my dad in different poses   then me Josh,London and Paris took together  Josh was holding London and i held Paris  then all of us came together  and took four together  after Roselyn claim London and Paris from us both so that we could go home and get change into our  after party clothes  "thanks Rose"  Josh told her " no problem " you two go and get change in your after party clothes  " she commanded so we just left hand in hand  we got in the limo  and soon enough we were home 

i got change out of my wedding dress and into my  after party dress which was a  purple tight fitting morilee evening one shoulder ankel lenght  with my  white five inches  heels  i brush my hair  and let it loose  and Josh and i were both ready we left out the house i lock the door behind me and we both got back in the limo  and soon we arrived  at our  reception  we got out of the limo and made our way inside the building where  i saw the best table decorations  in years  i almost fainted  "TA,DA" surprise  sweetie  i know that you would love it " Josh said smiling , but my mouth was still hanging open in astonishment  "Josh you mean that you got the tables decorated like this just for me ?" i ask  , "yes of course you would have done the same for me or even better still" he reply  as he kiss me passionately on the lips   " awww young love is such a beautiful thing "  Dr Shaw  exclaim to the others  , we saw  our families sitting at a long table  so we made our way over there too and have took a seat, Alexander Ludwig was sitting with the pageboys at a different table  him and Josh have been good friends since the age of 12 years old

and Alexander was the first  one to stand with his glass raise  he was Josh's best man so he was gonna give his speech now  " Josh you've been a fantastic friend to me over the years and when i got your invitation for your wedding and the position to be your best man i was so honoured cause you've been more of a better friend than the others too and i know we will continue to do so in the future  i wish you and Koretta a very happy marriage and long life together now , on  that note  ladies and gentlemen could i ask you to please stand with me and raise your glasses in toast to the new  Mr and  Mrs Hutcherson " and everyone stood including us  " and thank you Koretta for loving my friend Josh here in a way no other loved him only you and whenever he came to shoot a movie he would be smiling cause his mind was always on you" Alexander said thanking me, thanks again  

so  Koretta remember that men are like a fine wine  they start out like grapes and it is your  job to stamp on them in the dark until they turn into something you would love to have dinner with" Alexander said giving me advice , and to you Josh  by coincidence, women too are like a fine wine they start fresh,fruity and intoxicating to the mind and turn full bodied with age and eventually give you splitting headaches" he said jokingly , then he sat down after  then i saw my father get up out of his chair with his glass in his hand " good evening everyone to all of you who don't know who i am , i'm  Koretta's dad Jason Desilva  and  this is my wife Elena  and my younger  daughter Katherine and   also Chris and Michelle Josh's parents  can i say how delightful i am to welcome both friends and relatives from both families like Josh's co-workers and friends and Koretta's aunt  Roselyn  from houston,Texas, most of you have travelled quite a distance and thank you for coming 

and i must say how proud i am to be standing here today as the father of the bride as she is looking  stunning  i remember  that  sunday morning when i rush Patrice to  the hospital  i was at the birth when she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl , and here is that beautiful baby girl looking as gorgeous  as ever, so ladies and gentlemen please raise your glasses in toast to Josh and Koretta  to a happy marriage" dad said loud enough for everyone to hear , after dad sat back down  i saw  my husband get up with his glass in his hand too  " firstly i would like to say a huge thank you to our parents, to mine for bringing me up and giving me the foundation values and the opportunities that i have had  to be the person i am today.

I know it is hard but i had my moments growing  up and they  were always there for me  when i needed guidance and help to see me right and i hope they are as proud of me as i am of them, to Chris and Michelle my mom and dad  Connor my brother and to Roselyn  and also to the rest of the family too 

and thankfully  we had a lot of wonderful people on hand to help.

Apart from my wife there is six other beautiful ladies here today our bridesmaid  i would  like  to thank Amelia ,Roselyn,Zendaya Coleman,Bella Thorne and Maddison Gates and  and a massive thank you to Mr Desilva  for supporting this marriage in order for me becoming the happiest man on earth today  and also to my best friend and best man Alexander Ludwig  a massive thanks to you Alex  and to my pageboys finally Justin Bieber,Liam Hemsworth,Brendan Fraser and Dr Shaw ,thank you for your kindness and generosity ,so ladies and gentlemen will please  you  raise your glasses  in a toast to our marriage and also a huge welcome to my wife Koretta into the Hutcherson family " Josh   said with his glass raise  and everyone else's too including me i stood  up and  i slowly  took Josh glass out of his hand  and  i kiss him passionately , then soon we pull apart and went on the dancefloor and started dancing  until dad came and took over and had his dance with the bride  then after a long while me and Josh was knockered  , so Josh  told his mom to look after London and Paris for us until  we return from our honeymoon  and she  said yes, so we went home and pack our suit cases  then after we went in the jacuzzi together and was in there like half and hour it was so relaxing  he calm my nerves by massaging my shoulders   and i almost fell asleep in there ,anyway after Josh and i got out of the jacuzzi  and was back in our bedroom  

we both got in our pjs  tomorrow morning early  we'll be in Josh's private jet going to Paris the city of love  for our honeymoon we will be spending three weeks there and i could'nt wait till morning dawn but one thing i could'nt believe is that the fact that Josh was now my husband.











Friendship that blossomed into true love (A Josh Hutcherson love story)Where stories live. Discover now