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Zak. he is just so amazing but I really feel like i dont know him ,he seemed different with others. But why did he chose me. Over all those Vegas girls ,those pretty, pretty girls ,but he chose me and no I'm not going to be one of those girls that just annoys her boyfriend with questions like- what do you love about me? I dont do that stuff, its just pretty dumb. And so are my mental health issues. i was somehow getting worse as the time passed and i wondered for how long Zak was going to put up with it.

''Could you pass me the red one?"
''This one?"- Max asked holding up the paint bottle. i nodded and he threw it at me. i didnt even get close to catching it. it fell down but luckily didnt spill.
"by now you should know that i am not good at catching things."- i said and picked it up.
''why do all people in your paintings look like him? honestly its kinda creepy"-he said coming next to me.
''ill agree with you on that one but i dont really know. it just kind of happens...yup, its defiantly creepy now that i say it out loud.''- i said as i kept adding details to the painting. More creepy than me having Zak on my mind 24/7 was how Max tended to look at me. With this kind of crazy smirk. Honestly the dude could be a serial killer cause i know him only for a little while. Zak wasnt exited as well with the thought of me hanging out with guys only, but Zak is a busy dude and i ether had to deal with it or break up.
Max left and i was left alone. Life for a while seemed better...untill now...
I felt the breakdown incoming as the sun went down. Zak hadn't called eather all day and i was now crying. I felt triggered but i didnt want to relapse again. I went to the kitchen and found a whiskey bottle from a while ago and went at it. One glass after another. I was now feeling wasted and saw a text on my phone. Ay times like this i hated that i had a password. It was way too complicated for the drunk me to understand so i just threw it away. I started crying again on the bedroom floor in my shorts and a hoodie .Sounds so dramatic but i was really hurting. Just about everything, there was no actual reason. Right when i was at my worse i heard the door open but didnt even bother. If its a murderer- please go ahead and end me.
"June? What the hell? Whats wrong? Are tou hurt?" - Zak said as he quickly got to me and embraced me in his arms as i cried.
"Shit. Have you been drinking? "- he asked with a disgusted tone in his voice
"Zak, let me cry."
"No, im not leaving you alone. Have you hurt yourself again? "He asked as he pressed my body on his chest.
"No." - i replied but he still checked my wrists to see. They really were were clear. He kissed my forehead, picked me up and put me in the bed. He got in with me and held me untill i calmed down.


I woke up and my head hurt like fucking hell. Zak was still with me but awake. I got up and drunk 2 glasses of water before even doing anything else. I walked back and Zak was looking at me with a serious face expression.
"Whats happening?"
"Zak , its nothing. I m alright now." I said calmly but he jumped up with anger.
"No , no youre not. You keep hurting yourself and crying and god knows what else. "
"Well thats just how i am" i mumbled.
"I m fucking sick worried about you. You need to get help" - he shouted at me.
"Over my dead body."- i mumbled again.
"Yeah thats what i m afraid of. That one day ill wake up and thats what is going to be left ."
"Zak i warned you. That i am hard to deal with. That i keep messing up cause i myself am a mess . You thought you could handle this but you cant. "
"I just want to help."
"And i dont want help"
"But you need to get help for fuck sake. YOURE SICK AND I CANT WATCH YOU SUFFER" He screamed and kicked over a painting. I ran to it to pick it up hoping it wouldnt be ruined. It was the painting of Zak i had been working on. It was smeared on the corners but not complitlay ruined. I slammed it against the wall wrecking the frame and sat down on the bed holding my tears back.
"June i didnt mean to." - he said trying to approach me.
"Dont." I said and walked to the balcony. He followed me. I looked at him in the eyes.
"I know. Zak i know that i m messed up, and i know how you feel. We shouldnt have started all of this in the first place but it feels like the best mistake of my life. I m sorry about all of this cause i never intended to fall in love in the first place. This hurts so fucking much to say but...Zak, forget me, Ill leave the ghostadventures, ill move away cause its going to be better that way for you. You vant change me and it hurts me to see you hurt just because i am. This is all just getting stupid. " - i said and Zak laughed and turned his head away and rubbed the bridge of his nose. He was crying.
"You mean it was all for nothing? I fell in love more than ive ever fallen for nothing?Do you even hear your own words anymore? How could you even imagine that i could just forget you and move on. Fine, dont get help ,but atleast dont say stupid shit like this." - he said emotionally. I walked back inside and guided him by his hand to the door.
"Please dont tell me that this is the end?" he asked. I didnt reply but then quietly said-
"Its not." . I kissed him but it was best for him not to know that it was the last one. He hugged me , planted a kiss on my forehead, said i love you and left.

As the doors closed i was off to packing my bags.

OUR STORY (Zak Bagans fan fiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang