Vivid dreaming

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○●Zak's POV ●○

As she turned to leave again i could not help myself and stopped her again. Being in this room together had brought back old memories of us and thoughts about what could be. She still looked at me the same way, just less, as if she was scared that looking at me too much will get her in trouble. Maybe it will.
" Zak , i think we have arrived ,the guys will be waiting for us already"  she spoke softly as i was towering over her. She was not afraid of me , she still wanted me.
" Its fine, they can set up without us , we still have a lot of time " as i said it i could not help but to inhale her hair , the smell of her skin. It was only making things harder. In fact something really was getting harder and that was me...
She put her hands on my chest and slowli dragged them up till she held my face. She looked at me ,now differently . You could tell that she was really feeling the same - confused but also aroused.
" I missed you " she said. I wasted no time and went in for a kiss. Our lips met and it felt like a star gone supernova, it felt like nothing matters except this right here. She kissed me back and thats where i could not handle it any longer. I picked her up and laid her on the bed never breaking the kiss. She let out a slight moan as i laid her down and i was starting to lose my patience. I moved my hand along her body and she kissed me even harder. I was grinding into her thigh and she could definatley feel it now.
" Zak i want you so bad" she whispered in my ear.
I started taking off her top and her bra, then taking off my own shirt. She traced the outline of my hard bulge and  unbuttoned my pants that i pulled off almost as quickly as hers.
She moaned again as i kissed her neck . She grabbed my bulge through my underwear making me squeeze the sheets i was holding on to. I almost collapsed onto her but rolled us the other way around before that. She was now on top of me. Wasting no time she put her face up to mine, i thought she would kiss me but then suddently her hand slipped under my boxers . I groaned . She now held it in her soft hand and watched my face as i was losing control to her.
A suddent knock on the doors reminded us that they were not locked. She pulled the covers over us but i stayed with my head above the covers.
" i ll be out in a minute " i shouted. At this same moment i felt her go down on me, she put it in her mouth. It felt insane, it felt amaizing and unbelievable.
Another knock on the doors , and then another . They got louder and louder till i seemed to float up and back into my body.

I opened my eyes and i was alone. It almost felt like another heartbreak to wake up and be here without her. My fantasies were colliding with my vivid dreams and creating the best pornography in my head.
Another knock on the doors.
" Yea, come in" -  i said searching for my glasses on the bedside table.
Junes head peaked through the doors
" Sorry for waking you but we have 1 hour till sundown, you might want to get ready and come do a quick walk through while its still light " she spoke in a soft voice. Putting glasses on my face felt like a mistake when i saw her face yet again. All i wanted was to re create the dream i just had but something tells me its way too soon.
" Okay, thanks, ill be out in 5" i mumbled. She closed the doors and i noticed something that i was hoping she did not. A boner the size of an eifel tower poking through my blanket. No she probably saw.

Before i went to sleep June admitted to having feelings for me , but not much was said after that. I spent 3 years fantasising about what it would be like to see her again but this was not it. Everything was going wrong, starting from the meeting at my party and also my recent possesion. Have i screwed up everything already? There was no time to think right now because we were about to go into one of the most haunted places in America.
As we filmed the intro and the interviews it had already gotten dark, the whole vibe of the place shifted. The rest of the crew had also put themselves into their work mindset.
It was finally time for me , June and Billy to go in. I could not stop staring at her, it feels as though the pep talk i gave her about being normal on camera was really meant for me. She had put on her ghost hunting personallity on and ignoring me ,like i told her. Now i had some regrets ,but i am sure this will be different after the cameras stopped rolling.
As we entered we started going up the main staricase and heading to one of the most haunted rooms. June was leading us , i did not know how to feel about it.
As we approached the haunted room an emf detector went off flashing red.
"Woah, already? " Billy said taking a step back.
" Make it turn red twice if there is someone here with us" - June spoke up . As she did ,not a second passed by when the lights flashed.
" Oh my god, lets try a spirit box , it seems to be so powerful!" I said in disbelief and turned on the spirit box i had in my pocket.
The loud static buzzing was complitly blank, no voices.
" Come on, lets hear it. Who are you?" I said now even louder
" YOU DONT WANT TO KNOW" screamed a voice through the voice recorder. We all looked at eachother . In fact this was really the first time she did look at me since the filming had begun. I tried not to get lost again but my eyes stayed locked on her.
" Wait i think i saw something there!" Billy said and pointed to the end of the corridor.
" i saw it too, what was that?" June said and started heading towards it.
" What did it look like?" I asked
" Almost like someone crawling from one door to another. Man i just got some serious chills" Billy said and stepped back . June was filming and had  almost reached the end of the corridor when we heard Aarons voice come through our walkie talkies.
" Wait, guys dont move. We checked the cameras and we did catch something but i dont think its a spirit it really looks more like a wild animal!" He saunded stressed. We all froze up. June was peaking inside one of the rooms and then slowly took a step back.
" oh thats a wild animal " she whispered and continued taking quiet steps back.
"What do we do?" - Billy whispered.
" We cant risk it we need to get you- we need to get out of here" i said.
So we did, slowly and quietly making our way down the stairs to not attract the animals attention.
Billy stepled on something that made a sound loud enough that it eccoed through the building. Then we heard it, the scratching of nails and the sound of running coming from upstairs.
" Go go go ,run , lets get out!!" I shouted as we took off towards the main entry.
June reached the doors first but they were locked. Duh , because we were doing a lockdown but not a second later Aaron came to the rescue and unlocked them from the outside. We ran out and slammed the doors behind us . It had caught up to us and was now growling and scratching on the doors.
" Jesus christ what was that!" Billy exclaimed after we had all taken a deep breath.
" I dont even know ,i just saw it crawl through the room , it almost looked like a goat but with like twisted joints and ankles"  June explained
" Yea goats dont do that"- i said and pointed to the doors that were still getting scratched by the beast.
Suddently it stopped. Maybe it had lost interest.
"  Okay but what do we do now, i know we cant go back in there but we have so much equipment in there. What if it gets destroyed?"  Billy asked.
" Thats a good point, maybe we should -" i was cut off by Jay calling us from nerve centre.
" Guys you wont believe this , come !" He shouted in distress.
We all ran towards him and took a look at the live cameras.
" It might be hiding now , waiting for you to go back in but look at this"  Billy said and pulled up the recordings from a few minutes ago. We stood there in disbelief. You could clearly see the shadow of it running around, creating chaos but also shapeshifting. In one camera it looked like a mutulated goat, in another like a crawling child, and on the final camera that it passed by it was an 8 foot figure limping and growling. This was disturbing.
" I cant believe we caught this, this is insane!" Aaron mumbled as the rest of us were too stunned to speak .
" Shit, i must have dropped my phone when running for my life" June said desperatley searching her pockets.
" We will have to go back at some point , but this is just ...its too dangerous, did you hear the claws on that thing? " Aaron said while re-watching the footage.
" Maybe we just need to wait it out, wait for daylight and then go back in" - Billy said .
" If we lose all that equiplent to that beast we will have to wait months before we can shoot again, this is just not something you can buy new at Wallmart!"  I said and stood up making everyone turn to me.
" wait you dont actually think about going back in right now?" Jay asked.
" I told you that this is not where we quit, i am going back and alone. I am not putting you all in danger. "  i said with full confidence but to be honest i was terrified.
" Zak you cant carry out 23 cameras and multiple sensors on your own anyways, lets go in tomorrow!" Aaron spoke , trying to convince me.
" i just need to get the thermal cameras, the 2 newest that are at the top of the stairs and 2 sensors "  i said and started putting on my jacket, not because it was cold but because it would protect from the scratches i am about to get. They all started speaking at once and followed me out the doors .
" June , where did you drop your phone?" I asked her hoping to meet her eyes . I finally did.
" Zak you cannot be seriously concerned about a phone right now. Just get whats nessecary and get out of there!" She said with full seriousness.
" Okay. You guys go watch me from nerve as i go, warn me if you see something!"
" Ofcourse" Billy nodded and the whole band got back inside.
I stood by the doors, my heart was pounding , i could just sense that whatever was in there was something dark and evil. I clenched the cross in my pocket so hard that it made an indent in my palm.
" Wait, you need this "- said June as she ran up to me with a bottle of holy water and a go pro. She put it on my head and adjusted the angle.
" There you go , now you may go " She said with a small smile. I almost forgot that i am about to go wrestle a demon for some cameras
" Zak is it really worth it? Are some cameras more important than your life? You know what these things can do." She spoke calmly.
" So you care about me now?" I spoke with a little bit of pettiness.
" Zak if you die i will make sure that your tombstone says - Zak Bagans, sacrificed himself to save ghost hunting electronics. " she said with a laugh
" Thank you for that ,very reassuring" i said and opened the doors. She took a step back as i enetered and shot one last glance at her.

○●June's POV●○

He closed the doors behind himself and i made my way back to nerve centre to see how he is doing. It was going good so far, he started with the upstairs and grabbed everything quite quickly and made his way downstairs. He was so focused ,moving to swiftly and elegantly. Out of the corner of my eye i spotted movement on a nearby camera , it was very near Zak. Noone else seemed to notice so i wasted no time anr grabbed the walkie talkie.
" Zak there is movement in the next room, you might want to hurry up"
He looked around himself and sped up his movements. A moment later , after a terrible suspense in the nerve centre, we all applauded as Zak exited  through the front doors with so many cameras and other things that he could barely carry them. He looked riddicilous.
It was finally done. We all decided to gather the rest of the equipment in the morning but keep the cameras and recorders rolling. We did need to gather material for a whole episode but we digured that we had enough by now to stretch out an entire episode. The night was cut short but the evidence was crazy.
We returned to the van and drove back to the cafe / gas station and parked there for the night. I was not feeling sleepy but the res of the crew dissapeared pretty fast . I just sat there ,staring at a blank wall. Taking a break from the spirits that have been following and the demon from the hospital. I finally felt peace and could take a deep breath.
I opened the mini fridge to find no snacks but plenty of alcoholic beverages. I wonder who has developed a habit of drinking.
I helped myself to a beer with cherry flavour. The only kind i liked. Id repay the owner tomorrow .I felt myself melt into the couch as i took a sip.
I heard Zak's den's the door open and out of them came Aaron and Zak. They were just as suprised to see me as i was them.
" Well look who is not sleeping " Aaron said as me and Zak both shushed him.
" Alright alright, i was heading to bed anyways"
" What? You said you would have a drink with me!" Zak said .
" Uh okay just one...i see that June has already helped herself to one of your drinks" Aaron said and pointed to my drink.
" I just thought id help out whoever has a drinking problem by emptying one out" i said with a smirk.
" Hey Zak now you finally have someone to help you!" Aaron teased.
They both grabbed a drink and sat down . We had a great conversation as finished them up, it felt great ,like good old times .
Aaron announced that he had have enough and was finally tired enough to head to bed.
Me and Zak stayed ...

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