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It was now time to leave for the next lockdown. We were flying to England to investigate an abandoned theme park. We had a long flight ahead of us and we were waiting for our plane. Billy and Jay were flying two days later for some "personal reasons". So it was now a weirdo, goofball and Zak. Aaron was telling a story how his plane almost crashed while landing and i saw Zak tense up.
"Dude your making me feel real calm here"
"Your scared of planes?"-i asked while smirking.
"I mean how can you not be? Its metal floating. Doesn't sound safe to me."he said and i laughed.
"Cars are more dangerous and plane crashes don't happen that often."
"You know that didn't really help right?"
"I tried at least."
We got on the plane and i got the seat between Zak and Aaron. Zak was siting next to the window and was squeezing the arm rest already.
"You know we haven't even turned the engines on." I said and laughed at his nervous face.
"Don't squeeze them. It will only make you more nervous. Relax and breathe." I said and he nodded. The planes engines turned on.
"Is this your first time flying?" I asked
"No, this is actually my 11th time but it always feels like the first" he said and the plane started moving. It was now starting to drive and Zak grabbed my hand and held it tightly.
"Zak i need to tell you something important. "
He held my hand a bit looser and looked at me.
"Okay what is it?" He said.
"This is actually really important and i feel like you should know. "
He now looked more confused. I continued.-
"But also i don't want this to make you scared...or upset. " he was now really confused and was focusing on me only.
"What is it?" He asked. I leaned closer to him and whispered -
"We've taken off" and i smiled .
"You tricked me" he said and smiled while looking out the window amused.
"Distraction. Best way to relieve stress."
"Yeah but there still is the landing part. " he said and i smiled.
We have been flying for almost 5 hours and they both were sleeping. Once in a while there were some air bumps and Zak jumped up. I had to tell him it was just an air bump and he went back to sleep. I rarely  slept in planes or cars ever so i just sat there listening to some music and looking at Zak. Not too creepily but enough to call me a weirdo. After a while Aaron woke up and we talked. He was such a nice guy. And funny. There wasn't a doubt that we are going to be great friends. After a while i fell asleep too. I woke up on a shoulder. I could smell it was Zak's. I lifted my head just to see his head rested on top of mine. He was sleeping. I turned my head to Aaron. He was holding his phone up to my face. Then when i finally focused my eyes i could see that it was a picture of me and Zak sleeping.
"You delete that right now" i whispered not to wake Zak .
"Nah i m keeping this forever" -he said and i rolled my eyes.

---at the hotel---

I got in my room. It was now 2 am and i felt inspired to paint. I set all my stuff up and started . After a while i heard my hotel door open. Shit. I didn't lock it. I grabbed a knife from the kitchen area and headed to the door . I saw a big figure in my room. A man . He came closer and i was getting ready to stab whoever was trying to hurt me. He came out of the shadows and i saw it was Zak.
"You scared the absolute shit out of me! You don't enter peoples rooms without asking." -i said and he just smiled.
"What? Whats funny?" I said looking at his grin.
"You look beautiful even when you're mad" i froze. The fuck did he just say? I chuckled and walked back to my painting area. I went back to painting ignoring him.  I heard his footsteps come closer. He wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me from behind. I froze and tried ignoring him. I was about to put my brush back against the canvas when he started kissing my neck. I tilted my head hiving him more access. He stopped and breathed on my neck. I turned around looking at him and he leaned in. I grabbed his chin and stopped him right before our lips could touch.
"I m not some girl you can play with" i whispered.
"I m not playing with you" he said and tried kissing me again but i stopped him.
"Do you say that to every girl or did you change a word or two for me." I said and he started kissing my down my neck.By now i was super turned on but i tried to get myself together. He really knew where to kiss and it made me want more . I walked out of his arms to the kitchen and put the knife back in the knife holder. The hotel door opened and closed. He left. I just hope he gives up so we don't get hurt. Well it's usually me who suffers so why would this be different . I made sure he really was gone before locking the door and going out to the balcony to look at the stars above the city.

---2 days later---

I spent all the time i had with Aaron. And didn't talk to Zak at all since that night. It was now the time we were getting ready for the lockdown when Aaron entered my room.
"The lockdown has been canceled. "
"What? Why"
"Zak is sick."
"What? Where is he?"
"Hes in he's room. He said he had an asthma attack about 2 nights ago and now he's just not feeling well. Hes all pale and stuff" I stormed out of my room to his. I opened the door to see him laying in his bed. He really was pale.
"Zak you need to go to the doctor" -i said in a quiet voice while touching his forehead. He opened his eyes and smiled when he saw me.
"Why didn't you tell me you had an asthma attack?"
"I didn't want to bother you"- he said in a husky voice.
"Your so cold" i said and covered him with another blanket that i found on a chair.
"But what about the lockdown? I got to go" -he said and sat up.
"Your not going anywhere like this except the doctor" i said an pushed him back on the bed.
That day Aaron and i took him to the doctor. They said it was nothing serious but he would need about 3-5 days to get back to normal. Aaron and i were taking shifts to take care of him and make sure he didn't need anything. It was now 9pm and it was my time to go and see how Zak is doing . I entered his room and saw him sitting on the side of his bed holding his head in his arms. Shirtless. I ran over to him and put my had on his shoulder. on the way i flicked the nightstand lamp on to see.
"Zak please get back in bed your freezing."
"I don't like you seeing me like this."
"Everyone get sick from time to time. And you will stay longer like this if you don't get back in the bed."- i said. He sighed and laid down and covered himself with a blanket.
"Could you please bring me water" he said and i went rushing for the bottle . He drank and looked at me.
"Do you need anything else" i asked looking down at him.
"Yes " he said and i was getting ready to run after whatever he needed.
"You" he said and pulled me down by my hand. I landed on his chest and pulled myself up to look at his face. He was smiling.
"I already told you Za-"
"I m not going to mess with you. I really like you and i m super cold so will you please stay?" -he said with a little smile while looking in my eyes. How the hell could i deny him.
"Well mr. Bagans you're very lucky your not contagious. " i said and rolled down next to him. He really was cold so i laid my head on his chest and he covered us in a blanket. He played with my hair and when i looked up he smiled. After a while he fell asleep and got warmer. Honestly i didn't want this to end . I didn't want to sleep alone ever again He made me feel so safe and so..
"What are you thinking about?"-he said cutting off my thoughts.
"I don't know...this?"
"Is it the age gap that's bothering you?" he asked.
"No , not at all." I answered. I loved older guys.
"Then what is it? Please tell me." - he said and i went silent. Regret filled my mind. I now regretted every scar i had made on my body knowing he would find out eventually.
"I can't" i whispered. Hearing him sigh made my heart crack. He started getting up. Ether he was leaving or was about to throw me out. But he just stood up and turned to me. I sat up and just waited for what was he about to do. He looked at me for a while before picking me up and pinning me against the wall. He kissed me slowly . The taste of his lips was the best feeling i have ever had and i started kissing him back. I ran my fingers trough his hair and then dragged my hands down his back feeling the muscles.  I pushed him back on the bed and crawled over him. I gave kim a quick kiss and then whispered
-" i see your already feeling better ,so i guess my job here is done" i smiled and left his room not looking back  and went to mine. I locked the door and fell in my bed smiling. What is this man doing to me?

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