"Hello?" a voice called out. Hearing the voice immediately made you relax. The voice was soft, comforting, and kind. You could tell it belonged to a child. And where there is a child there are adults, right? You turned your body to the direction of the voice. You certainly didn't expect what your eyes had landed on.

Right in front of your eyes was no human being. Though it did look some-what human like. What you saw before you, was some kind of, goat-monster. He was short, about your height. You could tell he was only a boy. The monster wore a green sweater with a yellow stripe, exactly like the one you were wearing. He soft eyes held of mix of curiosity and concern.

"Whoa a human! A real human!" he cried out, looking excited. He could barely contain his joy. You giggled softly as you realized he was no threat. His exited expression went back to one of concern as he saw the state you were in. "Um, human, are you ok? Are you hurt?" the goat asked innocently. You held back the urge to giggle, and nodded. 

"Don't worry, everything will be alright", he said reassuringly. He walked up you and looped his left arm under your left arm in an attempt to help support you. It did help, and soon you were both slowly leaving the garden-like place you were in. As you both walked, he bombarded you with questions. But you didn't mind. They were things like "What's your name?" or "How did you fall down here?". Some were even really random like "What's your favorite color?". You asked the same questions. You found out that the monster's name was Asriel. You had fallen into a place called the "Underground". It was filled with monsters of all kinds. But Asriel told you not to worry, as most of the monsters were friendly.

Finally, you arrived where Asriel was taking you. It was a big castle. As Asriel led you inside, you noticed the castle was quite bare. Most of the walls and corridors were just gray. 

Asriel continued to help you walk, and you both talked and learned about each other. You learned that Asriel's parents were the kind and queen of the Underground. "Wait, so does that make you a prince?" you asked, curious. Asriel seemed to take this into consideration. "Well I've never thought about it that way. But now that you mention it, I guess so!" Asriel said cheerily.

Asriel gave you a short tour of his castle, and then introduced you to his parents, Asgore and Toriel. They were wonderful and the most kind people, well technically monsters, you've ever met. As it turns out there is a barrier that separates the Underground from the human world, so your stuck. But in all honesty, you didn't mind. There wasn't much waiting for you in your village anyways. Asgore and Toriel offered to adopt and raise you as their own, and you gladly accepted. You had thought that your death awaited in the Underground, but you were wrong. Falling here might have been, no had been the greatest thing to ever happen to you. You had a wonderful new family, a step up from your own, and a new home, again a step up. You had a new best friend, Asriel. You two were very close, and he seemed as a brother to you. It seemed as if nothing could go wrong. You had a new, perfect life. But some perfect things have to come to an end.

(Timeskip 6 monthes because im trash)

You lied in your bed, in terrible pain. You had and ear-splitting headache, and it hurt just to think. Your stomach seemed like it was having a civil war with itself.  Your arms and legs felt so sore, you couldn't even move them. Your sight was extremely blurry, but you could make out the silhouette of your best friend, standing next to your bedside, crying. 

"Please Y/N. I don't like this plan anymore", Asriel cried gripping your hand tightly. "Oh Asriel. We can't stop now. We're so close. Are you crying?" you asked, still in a daze. "N-no, i'm not crying. Big kids don't cry", Asriel replied sniffling between a few words. "I-I'm just worried okay? I'm worried for you", he told you. 

"Are you doubting me?" you asked, a bit hurt your best friend was still unsure. "No no! I said I would never doubt you. I'm just... worried is all. Six right? We just have to get six. And we'll do it together, right?".

"Right", you choked out. Your voice was very raspy, and it hurt to speak. Slowly, your world started to become dizzy. Everything was breaking and falling apart. Everything was fading away. "Please Y/N. Just hold on a little longer!" you heard your best friend call out. It was very faint, as you were slowly drifting away. But you didn't really feel like holding on. Not now.

You said nothing to Asriel, you only slightly tilted your head towards him, and smiled. Your grip on reality was slipping. Asriel's grip on your hand became tighter. Reality was slipping away slowly, ever so slowly. Until it slipped away completely. And faintly, ever so faintly you heard a soft cry as you slipped and fell away. "Please Y/N. Please don't go".

But nobody came.

I'M SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN FOREVER AND NOW I PRESENT YOU WITH THIS TRASH. I AM TERRIBLE AT UPDATING. LIKE, TERRIBLE. But yeah watevs. Vote and comment if you want. Also start a petition that kawaii_shadow is terrible at updates. Absolutely horrible.

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