Chapter 6

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I'm hiding behind a bush by her house trying to be as quiet as can be so she doesn't hear me. I can't believe that girl. She has to be a smart ass about every little thing you say. I just want to take her somewheres and have my little way with her. No not that way if that's what your thinking but it could lead to that if my wolf takes over. If your mate is near you and you are just turning of age you will go into heat. Yes I know seventeen is not of age but to werewolves it is but to humans you have to be eighteen. Yes you can turn into a wolf when you turn thirteen but if you have alpha blood or beta blood then you will.
Anyway back to what gets on my nerves about her. She thinks she can do anything and everything when ever and however she wants. When she becomes my mine she will not be able to do whatever she wants because she will do what ever and however she wants with me not by herself. She is stubborn but she will come to her senses when the time is right. She will realize that I am the most important thing to her. Whoever she thinks is her mate is not and I have every intention on finding out who she thinks is her mate.

"Faith who is your mate?" I hear someone ask.
"Why do ya'll keep asking me that same question over and over again?"
"We just want to know so he knows to stay away from you and we wouldn't have to chose sides."
"Why the hell would you have to chose sides Liya?" Faith says calmly but agitatedly.
"Why would you want to reject them when they could protect you and keep you save from enemies. You shouldn't be afraid to fall in love with someone. They can be the best thing that you could ever have. Why would you not want someone who would always be there for you. They back you up when someone doesn't believe you. They help you when your in trouble." Liya I think her name is says.
"I don't want to someone to love a screw up. Someone who has to do things to make others scared of her. Always hiding her true feelings. Never able to stand up and say what she actually wants to say. Be who I actually am instead of hiding behind the mask that I show everyone. I thought I would get away from all that drama if I went back to my old home and not be able to be criticized by everyone. No I have to show everyone the side of me that I hate. I just want to go some place were I can be just me and not be bothered by everyone or anyone telling me what I should and shouldn't do." Faith says. I could hear the sadness in her voice when she was talking.
Faith POV
"Faith who is your mate?" Liya asks.
"Why do ya'll keep asking me that same question over and over again?"
"We just want to know so he knows to stay away from you and we wouldn't have to chose sides."
"Why the hell would you have to chose sides Liya?" I say calmly but agitatedly.
"Why would you want to reject them when they could protect you and keep you save from enemies. You shouldn't be afraid to fall in love with someone. They can be the best thing that you could ever have. Why would you not want someone who would always be there for you. They back you up when someone doesn't believe you. They help you when your in trouble."
"I don't want someone to love a screw up. Someone who has to do things to make others scared of her. Always hiding her true feelings. Never able to stand up and say what she actually wants to say. Be who I actually am instead of hiding behind the mask that I show everyone. I thought I would get away from all that drama if I went back to my old home and not be criticized by everyone. No I have to show everyone the side of me that i hate. I just want to go some place were I can be just me and not be bothered by everyone or anyone telling me what I should and shouldn't do."
Why does everyone keep asking me about my mate. I don't have one yet that I know of. Even if I did have one I would have rejected them. I learned long ago never fall in love because they will end up hurting you in the end.
"Come on lets get going and stop wasting daylight."
"Why do you always try and change the subject when we talk about it but know you give us the answer?"
"I realized ya'll won't stop until you get the answer you want so why keep putting it off?"
"We care about you and you shouldn't keep secrets from your friends."
"Well sometimes you have to or you don't know how to tell people about it."
"Maybe you thought if you didn't tell us we would forget about it."

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