"God, such a sappy child," Mr. Noble spat, pulling out a ring box from his pocket and tossing it towards Luke.

"This was supposed to be for Wren to give Anna, but Riley can have it instead."

Luke nodded, opening the box, tears welling in his eyes at the sight of his mother's former engagement ring. He couldn't believe his father was willing to part so easily with the thing, a ring that had been passed down through the generations. His father had a tendency to hoard all the objects collected from his ancestors, with his newest pursuit being Riley's wand. Unfortunately, Riley didn't even have her wand in possession at the moment. Leila had borrowed the heirloom after her own had been snapped in half that one time she intervened between his father and him at school.

Luke sighed, examining the royal blue velvet box, holding what he thought was his father's most prized possession inside. He slowly opened the box, smiling at the beauty of the ring. Delicatly, he removed the ring from its protective enclosure, twirling the beautiful creation of a rose shaped diamond masterpiece around on his finger, admiring how perfect the ring was. He gently lifted Riley's left hand, slipping the ring onto her ring finger. The ring was a perfect fit as it slid into place, Luke squeezing her hand with a forlorn look in his eyes.

"Sorry, Riles but it is to keep everyone safe. I hope you will be able to understand," he whispered, kissing her forehead before turning to glare at his grinning father.

That grin sent chills down his spine, the sadistic glint in his father's eyes and the menacing smile plastered across his beautifully sculpted face. His father really was a cunning devil. Forcing Luke into marrying Riley had been his father's plan all along. He just knew pretending to sacrifice Anna and Wren would make Luke accept the challenge a lot easier than out right ordering Luke to do his bidding.

"You do have one dilemma," Luke snapped.

"Which is?" Mr. Noble snapped.

"Riley isn't eighteen yet. She will need permission from a guardian to legally be married," Luke grinned.

Luke knew that Riley's father had been sent to Iceland to be safe by the Giant community. Her mom stayed by his side, working alongside the giants to find more gates while being kept safe from harm.

"Oh, if you do recall, Riley's parents legally signed full guardianship over to the Cleveland family when they moved to England. Though I may not have Marcus Cleveland, his wife is still my captive," Michael Noble grinned.

He conjured the documents in his hand revealing Mrs. Cleveland's signature sprawled along the bottom of the page. Luke's face paled, realizing his father wasn't playing around. He had made sure all his ducks were aligned before acting out his plan. Now, Riley could legally be married even if she was still seventeen.

"My guess is you are pushing this wedding to happen pretty soon," Luke sighed.

"Why, yes my boy, I am. I have already chosen your groomsmen and her bridesmaids, so no worries there. Lineas has agreed to give her away and Leona is willing to be her maid of honor," Mr. Noble grinned.

"You are having to much fun planning this wedding," Luke snapped, "Maybe you should have chosen wedding planner as your career path instead. We would have been so much better off."

"Watch your mouth, boy," his father snarled, "this is the wedding that will bring about the Resistance once and for all. They fight in the name of Riley. Riley's on my side now, their followers will tuck tail and submit."

"I don't think Derek would submit that easily. If you do recall, he is more insanely crazy than me. He would willing destroy a whole world to get his way."

"Yes, that is why plans have been made to execute him," Michael Noble grinned, "I sense he is going to make a move on rescuing his brother the day of the trial. What perfect time to ambush him then when he still is weak from the last battle?"

Luke sighed, shaking his head. He hoped Derek would find a way to survive. Marcus was gone, leaving Derek the only strong face left in the Resistance. Luke needed Derek to be strong too.

"Expect wedding preparations to be coming full swing as soon as she awakes," his father chuckled before apparating from the hospital.

Luke groaned, falling into the chair besides Riley's bed, tears streaming down his eyes. He glanced over at Riley, frowning at how weak she look just lying there forced into a fate she couldn't resist.

"I'm so sorry, Riles. I wish I could save everyone. Please don't hate me," he cried.

"Hey," Wren snapped squeezing Luke's shoulder causing him to look up to determined eyes.

What, Cosmo?" Luke snapped.

"You know I hate that nickname," Wren sighed, "plus I don't have green hair."

"I know, its still funny." Luke grinned.

"I may be able to help, but I don't know how well he will carry out the task," Wren sighed.

"One of your pets?" Luke questioned, suspicious of Wren's idea of a plan.

Wren nodded, Yes, one of his pets.

"At this point, I am willing to try anything to make sure nobody else dies," Luke sighed.

Wren nodded, clearing his throat as he screamed, "AMON, I SUMMON THEE!"

The lights flickered and black smoke filled the room as the demon appeared, an angry expression in his eyes.

"What is it this time?" Amon snapped.

Luke frowned at Wren's choice of demons. Amon liked war a little too much. Plus, being such a high rank, he was a bit harder to control compared to the lesser demons. Luke would have rather had that big beast Derek nicknamed Ratshit appear, at least he wouldn't talk back or act on his own free will like Amon was prone to do.

Amon's eyes fell on Luke, a sadistic grin forming as he spoke, "now this one I can defeat. Is that what you wish, my lord?"

"No, I have another request," Wren sighed, rolling his eyes.

"If it has to do with that other boy, I'm out," Amon snapped as he brought forth smoke, ready to disappear.

"I need you to warn him that Michael Noble is planning to ambush him at his brother's trial," Wren pleaded.

The smoke stopped forming as Amon paused, contemplating the command.

"As long as I don't have to fight him,I am willing to perform the task," he grinned, disappearing from view.

"Wait, where did he go?" Luke cried.

"To go warn Derek," Wren sighed, "I hope."


What are your thoughts on this chapter? Who else is surprised that Michael Noble's quest for power goes as far as keeping Riley alive just to strengthen his own bloodline? Also, will Amon be able to complete his task? 

Don't worry, you will learn Marcus's fate soon, but until then stay tuned for next chapter where we dive into Riley's mind and see what is really going on! ;)

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