Six- This Is A Good Idea, He Wouldn't Do It If It Wasn't One

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"YOU TOLD HIM WHAT?" Elliot shrieked in my ear, almost causing me to tip my entire bowl of popcorn in my lap.

We were sitting on our couch watching some shitty romance movie, and I'd spent most of the night trying to ease my way into telling him that I'd run into Alex. And that I'd kind of sort of accidentally told him that I had a boyfriend.

"I know, it was stupid of me and-"

"Stupid?" he said, staring at me with wide eyes. "That's the understatement of the goddam century."

My stomach sank. So much for the friendly encouragement I was hoping for.

"You know what this means, don't you?" Lukas said, appearing from the kitchen. He handed Elliot a bottle of water, then threw one over my way. I didn't even try to catch it, I just let it hit my stomach because physical pain meant literally nothing to me at the moment.

"Thanks, babe," Elliot said as Lukas squeezed his way in between us on the couch. Elliot quickly pecked Lukas on the cheek and I glared at them, not needing any more reminders that everyone else in the world was in a happy relationship besides myself.

I sighed.

"What does this mean?" I asked Lukas.

"It means you have to bring a date," he said. "Or cancel."

I shook my head. "I can't cancel. They'll know that I was lying and that I'm still just the same sad, single loser I've always been."

"But you also can't bring your boyfriend," Elliot countered. "Because... hm, why is that again? Oh yeah, BECAUSE HE DOESN'T EXIST."

"I'm well aware of that," I mumbled.

If there was one thing Elliot was good at, it was being brutally honest. That's why he was pretty much the only person from school I was still friends with. We hadn't even really been that close during school, seeing as I spent all of my time with Alex and the lads.

But once they left, Elliot and I bonded because all of his friends took off to uni. And even though it wasn't the most preferable circumstances, I was kind of glad we'd both been left here. Otherwise I might never have become such great friends/roommates with him.

The three of us sat there in silence for a moment, staring off into space and trying to think of any way for me to get out of the situation I'd stupidly put myself into.

"I've got it," Elliot said after a moment, snapping his fingers. "You can take me as your date, and pretend that I'm your boyfriend."

Lukas and I both looked at him.

"Great idea," I said, sarcastically. "I'm sure he'll just casually forget the fact that he went to school with you for ten years. Or that you're flaming gay."

"Good point," he said, chewing on his lips. That's when we caught eyes, our lightbulbs going off in unison. We both slowly turned to look at Lukas.

He looked back at us innocently for a moment before his eyes grew wide.

"You want me to go as your date?" he asked, incredulously.

Elliot clapped his hand together. "It's a perfect idea! You went to school in London and he's never met you."

"And you're not flaming, as Em would say," he continued, shooting a look at me. "You seem pretty straight, really. Well, besides the fact that you dress nicely."

"First of all," Lukas said. "There are way too many stereotypes being thrown around right now. And second off, don't you think it'll be obvious that there is absolutely no chemistry between Em and me?"

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