My suckish love life <3 ~

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Hey guys :) I'm Nicky & im 15 , this is my first story on wattpad <3 Yaaay me. :D anyways I'm really excited to se what you guys think.. umm Let me start by saying some of this stuff actually happened to me, I really don't like boring stories so i will try my best to make it interesting for you guys. Hopefully you guys like it. :)Oh one last thing I will do some love and passion scenes.. not too detailed but it will be there. :) Thanks!  Love Ya'll.


It was about 5 years ago when my family decided that it will be best if moved from Puerto Rico to Miami, Florida. I was 10 and really excited because I would be closer to Disney and i would finally get to see my aunt who lived there for a while now. My mom had told me that my dad had to go and stay there for some time in order to get the appartment ready for when we came.. which i was okay with considering how much they faught. Mom also told me she had a bestfriend there, Liz  who had a son called Mitchell who was about 2 years older than me by the time she told me that i was REALLY nervious. I was looking forward to the move and my new life. I have a sister, her name's Ariana she's 2 years younger than me and we don't get along too well.. I mean we fought most of the time but we eventually got better, not that we stopped fighting or anything it was just less than before, as for me I'm Nicole the 15 year old teenage 'drama queen' who loves pink and dreams of becoming a singer.

Nicole: "Hey Mom! how much time untill we get there?" I asked.  

Mom: " Umm about 10 minutes"

Ariana: " Omg! im so excitedd!! "

Nicole: " Ehh it's going to be fine. I just can't wait to get out of this plane.What time is it?"

Ariana: " 12:30pm. I wonder what Liz's son will be like. What do you think nicky ?"

Nicole: " I don't know maybe we can be friends and play :) i hope he's nice."


Flight Attendant: "Attention all passangers we have arrived to our destination.. Miami, Florida please stay seated until the plane stops completely. ThankYou and Welcome"

Nicole's POV:

I heard the lady say some more stuff but i put on my headphones and just ignored it.. It was going to be a long day. By the time we got out and picked up our luggage it was 1:20am so we headed straight home... We went in and i loved it it was a huge appartment on a second floor and it was all white and and beige it was all on carpet except the 2 bathrooms and kitchen. My sister and I started school a few weeks later and loved the school, we had lots of friends and had lots of fun... I hadnt payed much attention to love due to the fact that i was only 10 and all i wanted to do was run and play. A few weeks passed and nothing interesting really happened  It was basically just meeting my aunt and spending time in her pool and getting to know the kids in our neighborhood. There I met Adrian he was tall he had messy dirty blonde hair and he was just drop-dead-cute. His friends caught me staring and told him i liked him of course he just laughed in my face and told me that i was too ugly and fat for him. I just ran inside and started crying myself to sleep.

-Next Morning-

Mom: "GoodMorning"

Me: "morning" I said as i snuggled closer to my tinkerbell pillow.

Mom " Get ready, Liz is comming over in a few hours and we need to clean before she gets here"

Me: " 5 more minutes"

Mom: " sure. :) "

Nicole's POV

I got up like half-an-hour later knowing that i was late and needed to hurry before dad started complainging about the house, Ariana was cleaning already so i decided to just clear my mind. I stood up and faced the mirror I had long brown hair and it was messy i took out a brush and brushed it throughly i decided to leave it down because it got wavy and i liked it, i had dark brown eyes but not that dark either.. looked down and inspected my body, I was overweight but i was not fat luckily i had curves .. i had boobs and i had a butt and was greatful considering i was only 10 years old... I pulled on some red besketball shorts with a black tanktop and i black socks just cause my feet were cold. My birthday was in a few weeks I thought about leaving most of my family behind and about what Adrian had said about me .. a tear fell down my cheek and then another and another soon i had toilet paper all over my pink and black zebra print room.

Mom: "Nicole! come here!"

Me: "comming!"

Nicole's POV

I got up, went to the bathroom and washed my face lucky for me the bathroom was right next to my room so nobody saw me.. I didn't have to worry about messing up my make-up because i hardly wore any. I made my way down the hall and stopped when i saw Mom talking to a 25-ish year old looking woman i made my way over and said hi she greeted me with a kiss on the cheek and then sat back down.. I heard someone open the door but i ignored it because i thought it would just be my annoying sister but it was not. It was Mitchell he was tall an had dark hair and brown eyes he was skinny but not built his skin was tan but it was more of a natural tan ... He was cute. He made his way over to his mom who introduced him to my mom and then to me .. I happily said hi and it turns out we got along just fine for the next few weeks he'd been comming over quite a lot.

Ariana:" Hey! you guys wanna play hide-n-seek?"

Me: "yea"

Mitchell: "Sure"


Nicole's POV

I hid under the sink where i'd hope my sister would'nt find me... Unfortunally i think i hid there for too long cause i fell asleep. When i woke up everything was dark and there was a huge silence "SHIT" I thought. I ran out to find that my mom, Liz, and my sister  were not there but i saw Mitch layin on the couch with a worried frowned face. "hey" i said in a sleepy voice. He looked like he'd seen a ghost. He stood up and hugged me so tight i thought i would suffocate. "Whats wrong?" i asked. He looked at me like i'd gone mad. "What's wrong?! your mom has been worried sick! we thought you were lost! Where the heck were you?!" he snapped. I was shocked "I fell asleep under the sink, I'm sorry.' He looked sad. "Thank god your ok, lets call your mom and liz they must be worried out of their minds."

Mitchell: "They're on their way"

Me: " How much time was i asleep?" 

Mitchell: ' i don't really know but it was a lot because it was noon when your got 'lost' and it's 9:30pm"

Nicole: " Damn, I'm good at this game"

He laughed.

Mom: " OMG where were you we were worried sick!"

Me: "Im sorry i fell asleep under the sink."

Mom:"Ughh your so grounded"

Me: "But it's not my fault i fell asleep!"

Mom:" 0.o"

Me: "Fine, I'll go to my room" -.-

Mom's POV

I did'nt wanna punish my daughter for nothing but i wanted to spend some more time with Liz so i just sent her up to her room and told mitch to go make her some company. They left and i took Ariana to her friend's house.

Nicole's POV

I went into my room and shut the door behind me and jumped when i heard a loud thud.

Mitchell: "Ow!"

I put my hand in my mouth as i opened the door ...he collapsed on top of me, he tried to get up but it was an epic fail cause he just fell right back down unable to move .. feeling his warm breath on my neck sent shivers up my spine... 

~sorry if it was too short :/~

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