Wait. Class. Shit, I fucking zoned out in the middle of a lecture.

"Shit. What did I miss." I asked Ashley. Wrecking my brain to remember anything from the last- I looked at my watch -25 minutes.

"Lucky for you, Professor Crane was just reviewing last week's topic." She told me and I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Why last week's topic, we just did a quiz on it which, I aced." I said pumping my head up a little."

"I have no clue, but knowing Professor Crane he has something up his sleeve." She sighed.

I nodded in agreeance.

"So, what were you day dreaming about?" She asked giving me her attention since apparently Professor Crane was still reviewing last week's topic.

"Trust me, it was not a day dream. I was thinking about when that girl was butt ass naked in Andre's bedroom."

"Oh yeah, that shit was wild. I'm glad I wasn't there because I probably woulda beat her ass worse than what you did, in fact I don't think I could've because you did enough for the both of us." She said and I chuckled before we turned our attention back to Professor Crane.

After class we headed over to the building where we knew Ken's class was to wait for him. Since we had a couple of hours before our next class we were going to go to the court to watch the guys play ball, their schedules were a lot different than ours since they were athletes. If they weren't in class they were playing sports, and when they weren't, they were with us.

It had been months since Ken seriously dealt with C.C who we've discovered name is Sean, who apparently is a "Trade" but is too ashamed to admit it. Which I kind of understand because people aren't so nice here to gay men, Ken himself has been a victim of bullying a few times. So, him not wanting or being afraid to come out of the closet is understandable. But he's doing nothing but hurting himself, and Ken mostly in the process. Ken has had a few slip ups when it comes to Sean. He crept with him for about a month after the whole basketball court situation, without telling me or Ash. But eventually seeing him parade around with multiple females became too much for Ken, so he left him alone. We know it hurts him but he's a strong lil' cookie.

When we got to the basketball court a lot of people were there, you wouldn't even think that it was near the middle of November. Especially with the way these females were dressing. Some were walking around with crop tops, booty shorts, miniskirts and other this you just don't wear when it's cold outside. I be tryna tell these hoes, "You can't be cold and sexy. It doesn't work." Which is true, your ass gon be a sexy sick ass mess in about 2 days or less tryna be sexy.

We walked over to the benches, finally finding a part big enough for the three of us.

"Ewwwww. She looks like her pocket book stink." Ken said loudly, fanning his hand over his face. If you hadn't noticed he was talking about the girls vaginal area.

"Ken, stop being petty. You're loud." Ash said laughing. I just sat there shaking my head. Trying not to laugh.

The girl looked over in our direction, and Ken put his finger up to his nose like he was blocking the smell. That had me in tears, I was laughing so hard.

She mean mugged Ken and turned on her heels heading in the opposite direction.

He yelled after her, "It's not my fault your pocket book stink." I covered his mouth a second too late. Still laughing.

This is why I love my best friend. He's the funniest and the meanest.

"Ken Doll, you cannot go saying things like that. It is rude, and impolite." I reprimanded him.

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