"As I was saying: mommy, we need your help. We don't know which packs and covens to avoid and which to talk with. We don't want to blow our secret and let the people on the rebellion side know that there is someone plotting against them." She nodded her head in understanding and put her hand out.

"I need a highlighter and a list of all of the names of the packs. We'll start with werewolves first and them move on to vampyres and so on." I nodded and grabbed the folders that contained the list of all of the werewolf packs and also grabbed a yellow highlighter.

She uncapped it read through the list highlighting here and there. She stared at it for a while, flipping through the pages before nodding. She closed her eyes and placed her hand over the pages and began murmuring words that I didn't recognize under her breath. Her hands began to slow and she continued to say her chant for a few more seconds before the glowing died down and she opened her eyes. She handed me back the folder with a smile.

"The names that are highlighted are the packs that have already joined the rebellion and you cannot try to convince. I put a spell in the pages so that if any pack converts to the rebellion side before you get to them they will be automatically highlighted. Keep this folder with you at all times." I nodded and then handed her the ones for the vampyres. She repeat the same action on all of the folders before handing the last one over to me and standing up from my bed with a smile.

"I hate that I have to cut our meeting short my son and that all of it was spent doing business but I must go now. Hopefully the next time we meet we'll be able to spend quality time together instead of it always being business wise." I smiled and nodded. She came up to me and pulled in into a hug before kissing both of my cheeks.

"Goodbye, Nuka."

"Until next time mother." She narrowed her eyes and me and I quickly corrected myself.

"Mommy, I mean." She smiled again and nodded before with a bright flash she was gone." I stared at the place where she was standing just a few moments ago before walking out of my room and heading towards Michael's office.

I got it. I sent to him through the mind link. He didn't answer but I know that he got the message. By the time that I reached his office Michael, Ana and Adam were already there. All we were missing were John and Emily. I placed the folders on the desk while John and Emily walked through the doors together. I nodded at them in greeting.

"My mother highlighted all of the names of the people that have already join the rebellion. It's more than we thought and is stilling growing so we need to work fast. She also put a spell on the folders so that if any other of them convert to the rebellion, and they will, we will know and can avoid them. Any questions?" I looked around the group and everyone shook their head no.

"Okay, so that we know who is against us we can now find people who will be with us but before we can do that we need to get this pack together. We need to double training hours and everyone needs to be apart of it. The men, women and children. The children of course won't be in the fight but if any of the enemy breaches us they need to know how to protect themselves and those around them." I stated. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"After we get this pack together we can split up the work and have groups of two go to the closest covens and packs and get them on our side. Naturally Ana and I will be together, Michael and Adam, John you will have to find a trusty individual to take with you. Emily, you're the Luna therefore we need you here to look after the pack. You're good with Alpha duties and everyone of course loves you. Keep things Afloat while we're gone." Everyone once again nodded

"Are there any questions?" I asked.

"How long do you plan on staying in each pack? How do you expect to train them?" Emily asked. It was a good question actually,

"We need to come up with different scenarios and fighting techniques and teach them to our pack warriors. Once they learned them they can travel from pack and coven to teach it to our allies. Every time one of pack learns the techniques one person will stay behind while the rest of the group moves on to the next pack of coven." Emily smiled at me and nodded.

"That makes sense, prince. You're pretty good at this." I sent her an annoyed look at the word "prince" but she just sent me wink and smirked.

"Right now we need to work on our new techniques and scenarios. We have two years max people.  I want the techniques and scenarios planned out by the end of today and then executed tomorrow. Understand?"

"Sir, yes, sir." Everyone said except for Emily who replaced "sir" with "prince". I rolled my eyes at her but couldn't help but smile. Why couldn't I have a mate like that? Instead I got stuck with James. I wonder how he was doing? Is he happy that I'm gone, miserable? I shook my head. I don't have time to worry about him right now. I have a pack that I need to protect. I let out a sigh and stood up straight. I sent everyone a smile.

"Then let's get to work."


James POV

"Can you please shut that thing up!" I snapped at Madeline. All that thing does is cry, poop and sleep. She glared at me as she walked around the room rubbing her daughter's back and trying to get her to stop from her endless hours of crying.

Honestly, Madeline looked horrible. There were dark circles under her eyes from lack of sleep and she was constantly hunched over from always carrying that child around with her. The skin around her belly was flabby and her hair was greasy for her lack of showering.

"She is not a thing! This child in my arms is your child, James! And she has a name, it's *Esmeralda*. Now hold her because I need to pee." She pushed the baby into my arms before I could protect and ran off towards the direction of the bathroom.

I looked at the nasty creature in my arms and wrinkled my nose. She smelled horrible, that's probably why she was crying. Madeline is such a horrible mother. I sighed and took her over to the changing station that was in her nursery(Madeline wanted to move out of the pack house so we built a house that was very close by) and laid her down on the child protected surface. I pulled down the leggings that she was wearing and gagged at the poop that seemed to overflow from her diaper.

"Absolutely disgusting." I mumbled and tossed the leggings to the ground. Those were definitely being thrown away. I walked into the kitchen to grab and pair of gloves and then grabbed the cleaning wipes and a diaper from the draw that was attached to the changing station. I slipped on the gloves and then went to work on cleaning up the child. It took about ten minutes but the child was finally changed and dressed in clean clothes. She was still crying but not as loudly anymore. I picked her up and held her to my chest while I patted her back.

"Shh. You can shut up now little baby, there's no reason for you to cry anymore. Your mommy neglected you but I made it all better. Please stop crying because you're giving me a headache." I told her in my best baby voice. I pulled her away from my shoulder and threw her up in the air a little only to catch her and do it again.

She stopped crying and gave me a curious look. Her eyes looked just like her mothers, a beautiful green but she had my mouth and nose. She tilted her head and smiled at me and I caught her and held her at arm's length to get a better look at her. She continued to smile and me and  I felt something come back into my heart that I haven't felt in two years: love. This child was mine. She unfortunately had a bit of Madeline in her as well but she was still mine. I brought her closer to me and cradled her in my arms.

"You know what, *Esmeralda*? I think that I'm starting to like you." I smiled at her and she smiled back.

Can we just get an awe moment for James please? He is still on of the biggest douches on the planet but maybe *Esmeralda* can help change that.

Questions: What do you guys think that Madeline's and James's child's name should be? I just choice Esmeralda because I needed something to write. Comment baby names down below and I'll choose my favorite and I'll let you guys know!

Comment/Vote and please correct me if I make a mistake guys.

Please read the next Author's note, it will clear a lot of things up that you have been asking me.

Whoop, whoop! I'm back people :D

Rejected BoyxBoyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें