(2):Day One

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   My roommate, Ella, came back late last night. She was partying again. Who she be sleeping with now?

   I don't care.

   Ella sleeps late, but wakes up early. She is always cooking breakfast for us. Love that girl. She is the homie.

   "Morning my dearest Cheryn!" She sings.

   "Morning my sweetest Ella!" I sing.

   We laugh before she walks over and hands me a plate.

   "Thanks. I can cook, you know." I insist.

   "Yeah, but you're lazy so that ain't happening." She replies. "Girl, your hair makes me wish I was black. It's too gorgeous. Wanna Freaky Friday this shit and be me for a day?"

   I frantically shake my head. "No! You would use my body to get all the guys! I ain't trying to catch STDs like I'm catching Pokémon. My body is mine to keep. Besides, you're hair is so wavy and pretty. We both slay."

   "I'd tap that ass real quick." She winks.

   "Speaking of tapping ass. Who did you tap last night?"

   Her cheeks go pink. "Well... you know Sammy? From our Drama History class?"

   I smirk. "You've wanted him for a while."

   "And girl did I get him. We were at the party last night. He kept eyeing me the whole party. So, I started flirting with his friends. Eventually, he "accidentally" spilled beer all over me. That off-the-shoulder, gray blouse you bought me is ruined. I was pissed until he apologized and took me to borrow his shirt back at his dorm. One thing led to another and... well let's just say that he begged for me to stay for round 4. I told him I had to go, but that if he wants to ask me out that I'd be down."

   I take a bit out of my pancakes. "Begging? Now he probably wants you even more now. Nice. Speaking of dating..."

   Ella places her dark brown hair behind her ear and wiggles her eyebrows. "Did my sexy friend finally snatch herself a boyfriend?"

   I smile. "If he calls me by Monday, yeah. He'll be my boyfriend. My first one, too."

   Ella begs me to explain and thus, I tell her everything... details and all.

   "My god! He sounds hot. Wait three days for some hardcore fu-"

   "Ella! Calm yourself! He might not call and I might not see him again."

   "Girl, he goes here. We can find his dorm or something. What's his last name?"

   "No clue. He knows mine, though, remember?" I sigh.

   I can't stop thinking about him. He's like a magnet pulling me in. 20 minutes. We only met for 20 minutes. This attraction is crazy. Who is this guy? Who is Jeremy? I guess I'll wait and see.

   I'm a very patient girl.

   Mama always said: Good things come to those who wait.

   Last night I googled her name. Nothing for Sharon Tracy; however, there was tons of stuff for Cheryn Tracy. When I clicked on the Twitter page, her picture caught my eye. She looked so cute with her hair in braids and her sunglasses.

   She has a lot of stuff on her bio page. Lots of links to other pages of hers. I can't believe how much I learned about her in one night. She's such a kind hearted spirit. Not to mention her passion for making movies. I stayed up all night watching her YouTube videos from middle school to 5 days ago. She started Vlogging, but she doesn't do it often. Her short film are so good for amateur. She can draw. She can sing from hearing her SoundCloud. Her instrumentals are good and I'm not even into half of the genres she likes. And she likes all the genres. Except heavy metal and country.

   Her pictures... flawless. Her hairstyle changes frequently and I like the constant change of style she has. She's a chameleon; always changing, adapting.

   One picture is my favorite, though. It's her most recent one from yesterday. She's lying in bed and the filter is black and white. Her shirt is falling off her shoulder and she's biting her lip seductively. Her eyes carry the intensity of them through the picture. Her hair is just as perfect as it was yesterday.

   Overall, squeaky clean record.

   For a black girl.

   Okay, so I like her. Worst case scenario.

   Let me call my little sister...

   "Hello?" She answers.

   "Hi, can you keep a secret? And by secret, I mean not tell mom and dad."

   "Well, hell yeah. I'm grounded, so they lost any respect I had left for them. What's bothering you?"

   "Something happened yesterday that I never thought would happen. I... um... actually found this black girl really beautiful. Crazy beautiful, actually." I pause to hear her response.

   "A black girl? Uh... okay? Now I see why you want this a secret. Mom and dad would flip out! She's not ghetto, right?"

   "No! Anything, but that. She's well spoken. Any slang she does use is purposeful. She loves to read. She's multi talented. And... well... let me send you a picture."

   "Yes, please! Sounds like you really like her."

   "I asked her out and we'll see each other either tomorrow or Monday. I tried to find reasons to hate her, but with her... I'm not capable of racism in the slightest." I put her on speaker as I send her a normal picture of Cheryn that I saved from her Instagram.
   "Wow... no racism. From you? That's insane. How pretty is sh-" Carly stops talking for a moment. "Oh... my... goodness! She's more than beautiful, she's hot! You're tapping that ass, correct?"

   I've thought about that. I've thought long and hard. Do I actually want to sleep with her? Yes, yes I do.

   "I don't know... if that's what she wants to do. But, it's not about the sex. I like her as a person. She's my equal."

   "Never thought I'd hear that come out your mouth. No way am I telling mom and dad. This sounds like a start to a beautiful interracial relationship. Me, I'll stick with my race, though. I'm not becoming a side bitch for a young thug. Best believe that. I gotta go, I'm not suppose to be using my phone. Later."

   "Later." I hang up.

   That talk went better than I thought. Carly likes the idea of a forbidden romance. I have to admit, the fact that I'm not really suppose to date her makes me want her even more. And she lives somewhere on this campus.

   Fuck! I can't wait until Monday. I'll call her now.

   Wait! I can't. It's almost time for me to go to the meeting. Should I even go? I don't belong there anymore.

   I look over to the opposite side of the room and see my friend, Martin, asleep from a party last night. He looks animalistic in his sleep, too. Him and Toby smoke weed every night. Martin thinks he's fucking white; his style, his music taste, the way he sounds intelligent but doesn't know what he's saying half the time. He's even Republican. But, hey, monkey see monkey do. Damn, ape.

   Maybe I will go the meeting.

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