So long story short, Vanoss was now resting back at home with their newest teammate, Moo Snuckel, or Brock. Tyler didn't like him much, but he had saved Vanoss so he could live with him.

Tyler cracked his knuckles, resting both of his hands on the steering wheel while his eyes scanned the surroundings. He was a couple blocks from the pier near some shopping center, more specifically parked on the side of a cafe near some shopping center. Mini Ladd's fifth most common location-Tyler had been working down his list- and he had a feeling that this was the place.

He stole another glance at the blurry photograph of the hacker, he could make out a pair of rectangular-framed glasses and ginger-ish hair that had a slight wave to it. Tyler squinted his eyes to make out an eye color, he was debating if it was either hazel or green, maybe even blue. In the end, he decided on green since it matched his hair better, odd reasoning but it worked as he continued to scan the passing faces.

After a few minutes he spotted him, sitting down in a corner booth inside the cafe, laptop in front of him and a cup of coffee at his side. Sighing, Tyler put the file in the inside pocket of his jacket, tugging the collar of it up a bit as he stepped outside, taking his sunglasses off the neckline of his shirt and sliding them on as he locked his car and made his way inside.

"Large coffee. Black." He stated to the waitress as he slid into the booth in front of the hacker. "Mini Ladd, right?" He said, nodding at the waitress as she appeared with his coffee.

Mini stared at him in shock as he took a sip of his coffee. "How did you-? Who the hell are you?" He exclaimed in disbelief, shutting his laptop and stuffing into his bag.

Taking another sip, he looked up at the man in front of him, taking off his sunglasses as he answered. "The name's Wildcat, I work for Vanoss, you may have heard of him."

Mini choked mid-sip, nearly spilling his coffee as he hurriedly placed it on the table, coughing a couple times. "You work for Vanoss?! As in, criminal mastermind Vanoss? Wait, am I about to get murdered-is this an assassination?"

Tyler chuckled at the man's nervousness. "First of all, do you know any other Vanoss? Secondly, no, you're not dying today, I'm just here to recruit you for our team, you want in?" He said, taking yet another gulp of coffee.

Mini stared at him, shock, confusion and surprise running through his eyes-which Tyler now confirmed were indeed green and his hair was a more on the brown side rather than ginger. "A-are you serious? You want me?"

"Well, Vanoss put you on the list for a reason, so yes I am quite serious." He placed the now empty cup of coffee on the table, pulling out the file. "Mini Ladd, hacker 35B16, real name unknown, skill level: Expert."

"You're lying, this is not happening." Mini said, forgetting about his coffee, he snatched a glance at Wildcat's serious expression. "Oh, this is real. Holy shit, I don't know what to say."

Tyler smirked. "I do. Welcome to team Vanoss," he pulled out a folded piece of paper. "Follow those instructions, see you later 35B16." Standing up, leaving a couple bills on the table to pay for his drink, Tyler left the cafe, climbing into his car as he sent a quick text to Vanoss.

Tyler: Got him, hacker 35B16. We got ourselves a winner.

Sliding the glasses back on, he drove out of the parking lot, his car roaring as he took off.


Mini grabbed eagerly at the paper Wildcat had abandoned, it held a time and location. Midnight at a place across town, he was totally down.

Pulling out his phone, he brought up his blog, smirking at it with happiness. He updated it with a quick post.

M1N1LADD: Ya boy is working with the big leagues, this is MiniLadd, expert hacker, signing off.

At midnight, Mini found himself parked in front of the place, an abandoned building that looks like it used to be a shop or something. He took a deep, calming breath as he got out of the car, closing the door and locking it as he moved towards the building, becoming nervous.

Following the instructions, he went around the side and climbed the fire escape, heading to level two and dashing inside through the window. He jumped down onto some wooden pallets, somewhat silently as he noticed three other people staring at him. He recognized Wildcat, the guy he met earlier, and the other two must have been Vanoss and the other teammate.

"A bit late, but I'll allow it." Vanoss said, leaning on the guy next to him for appeared to be support. Mini noticed he was holding onto his side like he was in pain.

"Dude, you need to sit down." Wildcat said, leading Vanoss over to some wooden pallets like the ones Mini had jumped onto. Mini followed at a safe distance, still not having said a single word.

"W-what happened to him?" Mini spoke quietly, but since the building was empty his words echoed, and he winced at the sudden noise.

"Oh, this dumbass just got himself shot." Wildcat said, helping Vanoss hop on the pile.

"You make it sound like I meant to do it, Wildcat. Anyway," he turned towards Mini. "I'm Vanoss, or Evan, that pig over there is Tyler-or Wildcat as you know- and the guy with the awful fashion sense is Moo, or Brock. And you are-?"

"Craig, Craig Thompson, or, you know, Mini Ladd, Mini for short." Craig was flustered, he didn't know what was the right thing to say in front of a upcoming criminal gang.

"Well, Mini, welcome to the team." Vanoss held out his hand for Mini to shake, with he did with eagerness.

"It's an honor to work with you."

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