Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

*Author P.O.V*

Harry walked in to the little coffee shop and waited for some one to come take his order as he tapped his fingers on the counter as the shop played Sing by Ed Sheeran. Niall head snapped up when he saw Harry he smiled and took out his camera taking a quick picture of him as a lady came and took Harry's order. Niall quickly looked down at his book when Harry looked his way biting his bottom lip not looking at Niall at all just the book he's reading. Niall looked back up when Harry looked away from him Niall quickly packed up his things and got ready to go as Harry got his coffee and cookie walking out the shop.

Niall followed after Harry down the street who was looking at his phone you can't blame Niall for him in Niall eyes Harry is really beautiful to him and he just wants to get to know him. Harry looked back and Niall quickly put his hoodie over his head looking down as Harry looked right pass him and at a passing car with a smile on his face. Niall looked back up slowly taking in a deep breath he didn't know how to talk to Harry he didn't know what to say or how to approach him, he didn't want to look like a idiot. Niall got out his camera and took a few pictures of Harry who finished his cookie with a smile on his face he looked back when he heard Niall curse loudly as he fell.

"You alright?" Harry asked as he started to walk to Niall who quickly started to grab stuff just shoving it in his bookbag until he saw his hockey mask quickly putting it on."Nice camera."

"T-thanks." Niall said quickly taking it from Harry hands and putting it around his neck picking up every thing else leaving Harry standing there with a confused look in his eyes.

Niall looked back to see Harry shrug and start to walk again looking at his phone he wanted to punch his self in the head for not trying to talk to him. Niall shook the thought away and walked faster he heard a gasp before he turned a corner he stopped and looked to see Harry hugging a girl. They pulled away and she kissed him and Niall doesn't know why but a bomb just went off in his head seeing Harry kiss back with a smile on his face. Niall finished his walk home quickly closing the door behind him taking off the mask and threw it away from him, he took off his bookbag sitting it by the front door.

Niall walked down the hall and open the basement door going down it quickly taking his hoodie off then shirt sitting it in his chair. He hooked his camera up to his laptop and went over to his printer tapping his foot as he crossed his arms over his chest. He smiled hearing a beep he quickly grabbed the pictures with ease he then went over to his wall with tape in his hand he started to tape each picture by each other. Once he was finished he took a step back looking at the pictures of Harry which made him smile bigger he thought he did a good job of taking pictures.

Niall went over to his laptop sitting down in his chair and quickly his fingers started to type looking for anything about Harry and he let out a small squeak when he did. His fingers went faster as he copied the little information he had then he took out his phone quickly hacking his self in Harry's business. In his head he didn't find anything wrong with this but his mind really isn't normal but that will stay between me and you. Niall got an idea when he got Harry's address he got out his seat and going over to his gym bag and pulled out four cameras with a smile on his face.

He walked out the basement going over to the front door opening it not caring that he was shirtless and it was cold outside. He took in a deep breath and started running down the street repeating Harry's address to his self as he made a turn and he smirked seeing that Harry didn't live that far away from him. Niall saw the same girl from before walk out Harry house with tears in her eyes but they wasn't sad it was full of joy and love as she touched her stomach. Niall quickly ran over to the house seeing that the front door was open as the girl took out her phone and put it to her ear with a smile.

Niall went in the house and put one camera in the kitchen turning it on then one in the bathroom making sure that one was really on. He then put one in the bedroom and the last one in the living room then went over to the door. His eyes grew wide as the pregnant girl turned around and was about to walk in the house Niall quickly hid behind the door and when she walked in he slipped out the house. He let out a breath of relief as the door closed he felt like a ninaj which made him smile he felt a chill go up his spine now remembering that he was outside shirtless.

Niall walked home getting weird looks from guys and smiles from girls but he just ignored them all he walked in to his house and shut the door. He went in to the kitchen and got him a yogurt and spoon then going back to the basement he sat down at his desk and quickly set the cameras up on the screen. He could see everything and he smiled seeing Harry come out the kitchen he didn't even notice he was in there when he was setting up the cameras. Niall lean back in his chair just watching with his feet on top of the desk he was so glad he went to college for shit like this.

*Niall P.O.V*

God he's so pretty but I don't know how to talk to him, he might hit me or walk away from me but I don't know why I'm a nice guy and I'm kinda attractive. He looks nice and fun but it's probably a trick so he can break peoples hearts he's a monster but I like him, he's a cute monster. He's just so perfect I just want to lock him up and just look at his beauty all day I really like him and I want him to like me to because I never felt this way about some one in my life and it kinda scares me. I want him to notice me but he just see right through me which I don't like it piss me off to know that he doesn't see me.

I'm fucking human as well I have feelings doesn't he knows that he can't just fucking ignore me like that. It's not nice see I told you he's not nice only when he tried to help me pick up my stuff I'll show that fucking dick not to take my kindness for a weakness. I can fucking end him and his fucking skinny ass girlfriend and their baby I don't give a fuck he just can't toy with my heart like this. I threw my chair at the wall watching it as a wheel came off and rolled to me I knocked over the small lamp that was sitting on my desk. God he just makes me mad but I'm calm and peaceful I have a clear head but I will snap his fucking neck if he thinks I'm a toy.






Stalker Narry Storan story hell to the motherfucking yeah you know this is going to be awesome so vote for this shit because I didn't put this out for no fucking reason you assholes.

Bye my Yellow Flicker Beat.★

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