Short Story 2

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Song is Shatter me featuring Lizzy Hale by Lindsey Stirling

Not sure what anime its from🙈🙉🙈🙉🙈🙉🙈🙉🙈File 229---May 5, 2014

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Not sure what anime its from
File 229---May 5, 2014

My name is Quin. My best friend, Carla, convinced me to come with her to the club. Obviously, I'd be the designated driver.

We are total opposites. She loves to party. I don't hate it but sometimes, I'd rather just read a book or watch some movies or anime or play video games.

I was actually having fun. And yes, I wasn't drunk. You can have fun without drinking plus it tastes disgusting to me, so no thank you.

I saw Carla going out with some guy totally drunk out of her mind. I didn't think anything of it. I was still a virgin, but she was another story. I would've thought nothing about it, but something weird happened.

Carla was trying to get his hands off her, halfheartedly. Then, after the went out, like three big scary guys went out after them.

I am a total worrywart and I don't believe in coincidences so I followed them out.

I saw something...something I never thought would happen. There she was on the wall. He was raping her. All three of them!!!

She kept on trying to push them away. All I could hear were her screams. No one inside would hear. The music was too loud, but I could.

The screams, they were so loud. Even now I can hear it. It was horrible.

They were taking turns like she was some kind of property that they could share!!! My fright turned into anger, then rage. How could they?!?!

I picked up the nearest thing which happened to be a metal rod. Lucky me. I was seeing red. I don't even now what happened but when I came to, Carla was crying on the floor. The three men were on the floor bleeding. One of them was obviously dead.

I..I killed a man. I got my phone out and called the police. While waiting, Carla and I sat against the wall and cried.

That was the worst night of both our lives. Carla got raped. I killed a man.

Thank you for listening, Detective Kale.

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