Short Story 1

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My first book. I HOPE you love it.
I'm an Angel with a shotgun by the cab

I'm an Angel with a shotgun by the cab

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Not sure what anime its from



They said I was a destroyer. They were right. Everything I touched, I destroyed. I broke things, lost them. The words I say are sometimes misundrrstood. I don't do it on purpose. But, it doesn't matter. No one trusted me. Truth be told, I wouldn't trust myself either.

I made, still do, stupid decisions. I can be very irresponsible. Everyone that tries to help gave up. They'd say horrible things sometimes. I didn't care. That's what they thought.

I didn't want to give them the satisfaction. I didn't want them to know that the word they said did hurt me. It hurt me.

And, before you ask, no I don't cut. No, I am not suicidal. No, I don't drink. I've tasted alcohol and let me just tell you, that shit is disgusting.

I am not desperate to forget the pain, so no drugs or alcohol. I would never willingly inflict pain on myself, so no cutting. I am trying to live my life to the fullest. I've got plans, so no suicide.

I also have my own opinions for suicide. I think that it doesn't matter what you are going through. You shouldn't end your life. There's always someone out there who loves you. You probably didn't give yourself a chance to live long enough to meet them. And if you believe in God like I do, he also loves you. If you don't, God will still love you, but you probably just don't believe it.

Anyway, this day started off real crappy. Got the parentals angry at me, again. Thought the rest of the day would be pretty shitty.

Surprise, it wasn't. As cliche as it sounds, there was a new kid. The kind of guy who you only see on t.v.

He could've been popular with his looks.

Instead, he talked to me. Ate lunch with me. He was my star in my dark universe. Maybe I was his, I don't know. I hope I was. I always have hope. Maybe, that's why I haven't given up on life. I hope I stay that way. See, hope, always.

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