Love And Art Part 2

Start from the beginning

In one of your nicest dresses, you began to climb up the side of your balcony, and Gaston not wanting to see his lady get hurt, secretly stood in the shadows ready to catch you in a moment of vulnerability. Unfortunately due to a misplacement of footing. You had strong arms surround you, and you withheld your shrieks once you saw who it was. "Oh Gaston! You're my hero!" You blushed madly.

"It is all in a days work. Now if you please let me help you up." Gaston played with his eyebrows, mesmerizing you. "If you insist." You shrugged, as he set you down slowly. Gaston went ahead and climbed up, and instructed you to carefully climb up and Gaston would pull you up. And like so, you were back up at your bedroom balcony in no time at all.

"Thank you, monsieur Gaston." You smiled widely. "No need to thank me. Go on and get some rest. I will impatiently anticipate the moment we see each other again." He grabbed your hand gingerly and planted a kiss. You were only glad it was still fairly dark outside, so Gaston couldn't see how red your face had become in a short amount of time.

He climbed down the side of your balcony just the same he way he climbed up. You watched him ride away in the moonlight, not even moving an inch from the spot you stood. You hadn't been this happy in a long, long time. All the same, though you didn't want to get your hopes up too high. You feared of messing up whatever this affair was between Gaston and You.

You slipped into slumber with a smile on your face. And as you closed your eyes for a moment's rest, felt more like the moment you were being awoken. "Come, Y/N! Busy day today! You are already holding us up!" You groaned into your pillow at the very sound of your mother's shrill orders. But when you cracked one of your eyes open, you fully realized that you had fallen asleep in your gown from the night before.

You pulled up you covers hastily, just as your mother burst through the door. "And please spend a little more time in front of the mirror, my dear. You look awfully dreadful this morning." Your mother shook your head back and forth in distaste at you, which you were unfortunately used to by now. "Understood, mama." You nodded your head once. " Now will you get moving, like I said." With that, she stormed out of your room huffing.

You got up and shut your door, and got yourself ready for the new day. You straightened up your room and headed down stairs. Your sisters and mother were traveling to Paris for the weekend, without you of course. "There is no time to waste. While we are gone it will be your job to make sure this place is spotless. I have conjured up a list of things for you to do." Your mother stared at you coldly, handing you the list.

The list would be impossible to finish in three days time. You looked up at your mother, wanting to argue. You wouldn't have time to do anything else except clean. Your mother just shrugged at you and then yelled at the carriage footman to move quicker with their bags. "What do you have there, Y/N?" Your bumbling bimbo sister, Claudette snickered at you. "None of your concern, Claud." You faced your list against your chest. Claudette was the oldest, Laurette second, and then Paulette.

You tried to love your sisters, but they never showed you any in return. The older you got, the more you stopped trying. What was the point? Your own mother hated you. The only person who loved you is dead. But that might all just change here pretty soon. When your sisters and mother left. You broke and had yourself a good cry. You hadn't cried like that in a long time. You calmed yourself down after awhile, and you knew you needed to get started.

You honestly completely forgot all about Gaston coming over at some point in the afternoon for a romantic lunch. You drew all of your focus on the housework that needed to be done. You knew you would be having some late nights the next couple of nights. You were being overworked. You were also growing rather tired. You sat down for a small break and to catch your breath. You shut your eyes one second, and you were out in the next.

You didn't even hear Gaston knocking on the door later in the day. He had flowers in his one hand and he pounded on the door with his other fist. When you didn't answer, he tried the door it was unlocked all along. He wasn't going to let his confidence get depleted. He traveled through the house searching for one thing. You. He found you asleep leaned up against a wooden mop inside its bucket, sitting on a stool in the kitchen. Even though you wore ragged clothing, and you were fast asleep, Gaston thought that you had never looked more beautiful.

He set the flowers down on the table and knelt down in front of you. He shook your shoulder gently, accidentally jolting you awake. "Huh! What? Gaston!" You shrieked, suddenly feeling very wide awake. "Shh. It's okay. What happened to you?" Gaston stroked your hair. "My mother gave me this list of chores to complete while she is away, and they are impossible, Gaston!" Your eyes became watery and you allowed a few tears to shed.

"Nothing is impossible for you my Y/N." Gaston brought your head into his chest, causing to cry even harder. "I can't do this Gaston. I just can't." You said after you calmed yourself down again. "You aren't, not without me of course." Gaston winked at you. He stood up and removed his vest, leaving him only in his thin white blouse. "Oh Gaston that is very sweet of you, but you don't have to..." You stood up with the help of the wooden mop handle. "That is where you wrong, mademoiselle. You do need me." Gaston cupped your cheek with his hand.

"I do need you. I will always need you." You sighed, you could never be more thankful for Gaston. You owned him plentiful, not just because of this, but he restore faith in you living out your life and being happy again. "That's the spirit. I guess we should get to work then." Gaston declared, with a big smirk on his face. "We have a lot of work ahead of us." You told him, mentiong if he still wanted out he could get out.

"I'm not going anywhere."

The End! 

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