Jason & Cecil

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Cecil's POV

This time I did a surprise date for him. Usually he would do surprise dates but this time I wanna see his reaction.

I hide while he's at work. I'm all dressed up casually in jeans, sneakers, a t shirt, and a sweater.

When he comes home and opens the door he freaks out because the lights are off. I turn on a light down the hallway and he walks towards.

Once there I jumped out and...

"Holy Fuck!" He yelled with a voice crack in both words.

"Hahahahaa I got you this time! Come one!" I grabbed his hand.

"Where we going?" He asked.

"You'll see!" I said in excitement.

It was about 7:00pm and I was taking him to the park. The park had a slightly deep forest by it. I didn't really have anything in mind about the forest but the park was main idea.

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