"Shit I'm sorry, honestly I-dids-nots-I'm-." He was completely flustered by now, all blood rising in his cheeks and his eyes wide as saucepans. 

To his surprise she only laughed loudly, her eyelashes fanning over the tops of her cheekbones. The palms of her hands keeping her hovering above his chest and the necklace she'd been wearing tangled up on his watch. To say he was completely incapable of moving was an understatement.

Not only were his words jumbled up suspended in the air surrounding them, but his watch was stuck to her necklace, his hand in an awkward bend. She didn't seem to mind as she helped him up with her free hand--she leaned forward all the while making sure not to snap the thin silver chain--her laugh continuous and melodic. A small smile tugged at the ends of Luke's lips.

"You've got my necklace." She simply stated once she'd regained her composure. She had no obvious embarrassment at the situation while Luke was dying inside.

"Yeah I-I'm just real sorry about the-you see there were these girls and-" The brunette rolled her eyes before carefully untangling the mess of silver linking.

"Don't worry about it, it was bound to happen anyways." She smirked not once taking her attention from the necklace. "I mean it's not everyday you get knocked over by a complete stranger and they decide 'hey I'm going to get my watch caught in her necklace.' Is this usually how you pick up girls?" She added sarcasm lacing her voice.

Luke didn't really know what to say. What could he say? He'd never been great with words.

"Hey. I might as well introduce myself now that I've got your attention 'drink-boy'. I'm Aries." Her eyes snapped up for the briefest second to meet Luke's.

He realized this was the first time he'd actually seen her eyes. He couldn't speak. They were a beautiful caramel tinted lightly with greenish hues when the light hit at the right angle. She must have took his silence as a negative sign, because almost as soon as she looked up she was focusing back down, her eyebrows furrowing together in concentration.

"Why were you out here in the first place?" She asked keeping the conversation light.

"I needed a breather, and I've never really been invited to parties I guess you could say." He hesitated but the warmth in her eyes was reassuring.

"So 'drink-boy' isn't a big partier? Hmm, what a surprise. So I can say I'm the first you've used your pickup on?" She shook her head, a lopsided smile gracing her features. "Well I think you should give it a try. Isn't so bad." She finished as he felt the slight jolt of the necklace releasing from his watch.

"Thanks." He replied shyly. He wanted to ask her more but before he uttered another word a loud 'Aries!' was being shouted from down the street.

"Ashton." She muttered under her breath as she turned to Luke one last time. "Look I've got to go but hey maybe I'll see you around 'drink-boy.'" And with that she turned on her black boots heading down the street.

Luke wondered if she would see him around.

  ✦  ✧  ✦  ✧ 

The music hadn't stopped even as he reentered the room almost an hour later--his hair mussed up from the rough breeze that had picked up outside--He finally decided to give the party a chance once Aries had suggested him to. He wouldn't admit the anxiety that coursed through his veins with each subtle glance and sly smirk that crossed the faces of people he'd not seen before.

Smoke billowed in white clouds around him, and the smell of alcohol was thick in the humid room. Everyone was crowding around the center of the hardwood floor, their bodies moving in different rhythms to a song he was sure he'd recognized. A couple of teens were wasted, their snores loud even with the music blaring all around. Two girls watched Luke, mascara-smeared eyes mimicking spilt ink. 

He felt the weight of a body slamming into his own and crushing him against a nearby wall. His eyelids shut tight at the force of impact, his breath cut short, a wheeze admitting from his lungs. Luke panicked as a pair of strong hands held his arms against his spine uncomfortably. He let out a choked gasp when he was released from the grip.

"I thought I told you not to screw up Hemmings." An angry voice shouted at him, but he didn't dare turn around. He already knew who it was.

He decided against walking away as he knew that would only anger Carver more than he already was. Luke was sure about being punched in the gut a few time, harsh words sent his way. It was inevitable, and he'd rather face it now than double the torture on Monday.

Carver's friends reached over, their dark eyes locked on Luke void of emotions. They pulled him to his feet before a pair of fists was thrown at his side. He winced, the pain shooting through his ribs immediately. The party continued, music picking up rhythm, couples making out heatedly near the staircase, drinks being passed around to fits of laughter and choppy conversations.

Another hit. His vision clouded, electric-like sensation burning his sides. His bottom lip held between his teeth to keep from crying out in pain, he could almost taste copper pennies in his mouth. The smallest droplets of blood staining his shoes in an array of crimson blotches.

The final blow brought Luke tucking inward on himself; His lungs desperately grasping for any amount of oxygen they could hold on to, blood dribbled down his chin and onto the bright yellow of a sadistic smiley face, the words Nirvana strewn across in a large font. The stinging of tears blurring his vision as though he were looking into the reflection of a puddle, the images fragmented and bleak.

A sudden change of song caused the atmosphere of the party to be ignited in whoops and hollers as everyone huddled close together. Drunken singing and laughter filling what silence was left in the room. Luke felt the emptiness ghost down on him, he felt alone despite the amount of people no more than ten feet away. Carver dryly laughed, he waved off his friends, not looking back at Luke as he left. Not sparing a second glance to see if he was alright. Though Luke knew he didn't care.

No one did.

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