Chapter 5 Anette

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" What prank should we pull?"

"Don't know? Jordan?"

" I have no clue? But we better be fast or...........WAIT! I have an idea. We should cover her in a bucket of slime so she has to change for the third time today."

"That's fantastic! I'll go get a bucket and mix some slime."

"Make it really runny so it doesn't just stay in one spot though."


I heard all of this as I woke up. And I knew who was planning it. It was Paige, Jordan, and Hope. I couldn't believe that my best friend would betray me like that. Actually, I could. We had this major prank war going on 3 years this year. But she crossed the line. She brought other people into it. I was going to get her back. I was going to get her back so hard. And I knew exactly how to do it.

Paige came back with the slime 5 minutes later. They arranged themselves and started to pour. Before it could leave the bucket I kicked up with both of my feet and hit the bucket. It flew upwards, covering them in slime. I was laughing so hard I was crying.

"Now....laugh....we....laugh....are...laugh....equal....laugh....with....changes!" I managed to squeak out in between laughs. They all started laughing to and I ushered them up to their rooms to get changed. They didn't need to rush, we didn't leave for the mission until 5 because it was a mission that we preformed at night, but I figured they wanted to spend sometime in the shower before we left.

I was correct. They each spent at least an hour in the shower before getting out to get ready. Eventually they all came down. We were all finally ready to go. I was so excited to finally go on this mission. It was something that we have never really done before, and I was happy to be apart of the group that began this new type of mission.

Finally. It was 5. I was ready to be on this mission. Even more excited now that I knew that this was going to be a series of missions to complete the final task. We lined up by the exit, a window at the back of the house so no one saw us leave on our missions, and one by one jumped out. I was last. I slowly looked down, remembering my fear of heights. I readied myself and looked down one more time.

1..........2..........3........i jumped.

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