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"Call your parents sharp at 10.pm tomorrow"..Sounds familiar right?
This the common story of every classroom.Yes I am talking about the famous word "PUNISHMENT".Even our Prime Minister is not as powerful as this.

I still remember those days when we used to not do our homework.We were made to stand outside.Now hearing this you might feel so sad for us but dont be.
Because thats the time when we used to enjoy.Generally all punishments were mass punishments.So we used to laugh,giggle and whenever we understood the teacher is coming out we used to become silent(Afterall we are the best actors in the world).Sometimes we used to get scared also.AFTERALL all of us are scared of our Great Parents.Let me narrate you a story.

Lets highlight some of the famous punishments(All those who have read my previous writings already know how much I love highlighting things..Right?)

1.Do the homework 5 times-This used to happen mostly during our Maths class.Although we used to try our level best to escape but all in vain.Still we used to do our 5 times homework in the class.Talented!

2.Signature Drama-So whenever we used to score bad marks or we used to not complete our homework,we were made to sign our copies by our parents and that famous dialogue "I want both the parents signature".As if,if Dad knew Mom would not come to know about it.

3.Get out of the class-This is the most common and the best of all.Neither the parents got to know about it nor we hated it.

4.Mass punishment-"Class X-B get out of the class".We used to thoroughly enjoy it except for some over frightened girls.

5."Stand up and keep standing till your teacher comes"-This is when we used to do the "Sorry Drama".."Sorrrrrryyyyyyyyyy Miss".And our teachers used to come up with their famous dialogue,"Say it if you feel it.You are never sorry".

6.Parents call-This was a severe one though.All of us were scared of it."The Deadliest Punishment"

Now I cant give u a big lecture on how punishments are useful in our life.For that please read your moral science book.Till then keep reading "The Memories"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2017 ⏰

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