Back to School

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....Tears came rolling down my eyes as I stepped out of the school premises.As I turned back all I could see were a bunch of memories.I wanted to relive those golden days once again.I didn't even realize when I grew up from a kindergarten student to a matured teenager.

2005..Maybe it was April..What happened?An earthquake,flood???No.
But That day I was shaking as if an earthquake had just occurred and was crying continuously creating a flooded river of tears.Yeaah it was the first day of my school.Irony lies in the fact that on the FIRST day of my school I cried and also on the last day I was having tears.Between the First cry and the last cry of school I grew up...Grew up with knowledge,Experiences,maturity

Lets go down the memory lane and recall those days.
The day used to start with the sound of the overdramatic alarm clock.I doubt from where does this round faced thing get so much excitement at in the morning.Somehow I used to get ready and rush towards the bus stop.The journey to school was a chaotic one.I used to wonder what energy drink the kids drank that gave them so much excitement.As I used to reach my classroom I could see different groups talking on different topics.Some about love life(95%),some about serials,sports.Every Monday we use to have assembly.Trust me i have never experienced something as disgusting as this.Every week I used to hear the same story(which was mostly inaudible due to the poor sound system of our school)standing under the scorching heat.
The classroom had different types of students.Some talkative(Me),some over studious creatures,some bookaholics,Some dreamers.

And how can I forget some famous dialogues of my teachers.
"Why are you making so much noise? Is this a fish market?"(We are talented)

Why did you forget your homework? Did you forget to eat in the morning too?(Now please dont compare food with homework)

Why are you laughing? Tell us the joke, we'll also laugh
(Why we will tell you??)

"You are the worst batch I have ever ."(Every year same dialogue)

And the list goes on and on
Ooopss...How can I forget the free periods!!!Either we used to gossip(mostly about others) or play some games(Dumb charades,antakshari,fortune).
The best part were our practice sessions for any cultural program

The Dancers-The most excited gang of all but always there use to be some last minute preparations

The Singers-They had a clear goal about what and whom they wanted and they used to practice the most

The Dramatists-(Which Included me)-We were never sure about our plot.At least 100 times we used to change our thoughts and what fun we had in writing dialogues

Inert Gases-The bunch who never showed any interest in any program.

We fought,we reconciled
We were sad,we were happy
We cried,we laughed
We slapped ,we hugged
And thats what friendship is all about.
We got mass punishments,mass scoldings and we enjoyed it actually.

Every beautiful thing has to come to an end but the memories remain forever.We all have written our own book.Every page has a different story but one thing is common-"The Memories"

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