Ari's Mission (extra)

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I was packing my bag after receiving a mission from Komui. He assigned me to go to some town with Lenalee and Lavi.

I was blushing at the thought of working with him. I don't really know why. He is a great guy but he flirts a lot. (Y/N) really hates that about him.

Just as that thought came to mind, (Y/N) opened my door with a smile on her face, about to tell me something. Her smile faltered and she asked "Where are you going, Ari?"

I looked at her and smiled. "A mission."

Her smile stayed in place and she said "Cool! I am too!" She walked over to me, "Do you need any help?"

"No, I got it."

She looked at me and said, "Who are you going with?"

"Lenalee..." I said, knowing if I mentioned Lavi she wouldn't be pleased.

"And?" Her smile disappeared. 'She knows that some else is going...' I looked at her.


"No way!" I flinched at her yelling. "How can Komui put an innocent girl like you with that damn pervert?!" I sighed.

"Calm dow-"

"No..." she said, but she didn't yell this time. Just looked a little sad.

"What's the matter?" I asked.

"If that rabbit does anything to you, you tell me. Got it?" I nodded my head.

"Good," she smiled once again. "I'm going to Minoba for a mission with Allen!" She said happily. Then she got upset, "and that jerk face,  Kanda..."

"Try and get along, okay?"

"Fine..." she wasn't happy about it but she'll try. She turned to leave. "See you when we're all back together, Ari."

"Yeah," I said. As she stepped out the door I called out, "And good luck with Allen!" I watched her stumble out the door, slamming it, but not before I noticed a blush on her face. I giggled.

After everything was packed, I walked out of my room and headed to the cafeteria to meet up with Lenalee and Lavi. I looked around the room and right away caught sight of the red head. I walked over.

"Hey guys, I'm ready."

Lavi looked up and smiled. "Hey Arikata!"

"Let's get going then," Lenalee said. We headed to the boat. After we left the order we had to wait for the next train to come which would take about an hour to come.

"Hey Arikata, let's go somewhere to grab snacks for the ride." Lavi grabbed my hand and took off.

We walked around the town, looking for some yummy snacks. We stopped at a few places here and there, buying packed nuts, raisins, chocolate, and other stuff. I looked at the time.

"We should head back, Lavi. The train is going to arrive soon."

He pouted, then said, "Okay."

We made it at the same time that the train was pulling into the station. Lenalee was standing there waiting for us. "Let's get on."

Once we boarded the train, we went to find our compartment. Lenalee and I took one side and Lavi sat across from us. "So, how are we going to find this..." I looked at the paper, "tree of light?"

"I don't know..." Lenalee said, thinking. "It's said that the Tree of Light glows at night. But those who've seen it once before can't find it again and others think it's a myth."

After a while of talking, Lenalee got up. "I'll be back, I'm just going to have a look around." Then she left, leaving me alone with Lavi.

I looked at Lavi who was staring out the window. "Lavi, are you okay? You've been staring out the window for a while now."

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