Chapter 12

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After days of relaxing and processing this whole journey. The Pevensies were then thrown into preparing for a ceremony. It was to be a coronation for the new Kings and Queens of Narnia, and of course I will be there also as a special guest. We were sent to Castle Cair Paravel where we were taught a short lesson on how to be adequate and then it was about settling into the new household.

     If I was to be fair, I believe the Pevensies weren't thinking of returning back home to England. I'm sure it had crossed Susan's mind for a moment, but we were all living a fantasy life here. As the days passed and more events were happening, the thought of home seemed to leave my thoughts, and I was looking forward to the future of Narnia to come...

     Today was the day of the Coronation, and I was awoken bright and early by Sirena who was to be my personal servant here at Cair Paravel. I had to remind her countless times to just call me Elizabeth and that she didn't need to serve my every need, but she insisted. She had helped me dress into a green gown and braided part of my hair, placing small flowers into it.

     "Are you excited for the coronation, Lady Elizabeth?" Sirena had asked me as she finished up my hair.

     "As excited as I can be, the Pevensies deserve every moment of it." I tell her, and it was the truth, they have done so much and they all have grown since our time here.

     "You, too, deserve to enjoy the celebration, milady." Sirena admits. I smile warmly at her in thanks. Together we make our way to the throne room where people have already began to show.

     The trumpets being played signaled the beginning of the ceremony. Centaur knights lined up with swords pointing up and towards the middle of the aisle. Edmund, Peter, Aslan, Susan, and Lucy walked shoulder to shoulder from the entrance of the throne room up towards the front where the thrones were placed. I was standing to the side with the Beavers and Mr. Tumnus as special guests.

​      The Pevensies reached their thrones and they all turned around to stand in front of their individual seats. Aslan had stood before them, turning to face the crowd.

     "To the glistening Eastern Sea, I give you Queen Lucy the Valiant." Aslan said as the Beavers walked up holding pouches that the crowns sat on. Mr. Tumnus followed behind sporting a new velvet green scarf that had gold tassels hanging from the edges.

     Mr. Tumnus took a crown from a pouch, walked up, and placed it on Lucy's head.

     "To the Great Western Wood, I give you King Edmund the Just."

     Mr. Tumnus took a crown from a pouch, walked up, and placed it on Edmund's head.

     "To the radiant Southern Sun, I give you Queen Susan the Gentile."

     Mr. Tumnus took a crown from a pouch, walked up, and placed it on Susan's head.

     "And to the clear Northern Sky, I give you King Peter the Magnificent."

     Mr. Tumnus took a crown from a pouch, walked up, and placed it on Peter's head.

     The four Pevensies sat down in their thrones and Aslan continued, "Once a King or Queen of Narnia, always a King or Queen of Narnia. May your wisdom grace us until the stars rain down from the heavens."

     Together we chanted,

     "Long live King Peter!"

     "Long live King Edmund!"

     "Long live Queen Susan!"

     "Long live Queen Lucy!"

     And so, the Pevensies lived and ruled all of Narnia with their friendly companion by their side, being a permanent guest of a Cair Paravel. The years lived have been very victorious, known as the Golden Years if it were written in history. I may have been known as Princess Willow to many of the Narnians, but knowing that was the name that the White Witch has given me, I officially changed it to Elizabeth.

     As for Peter and I? We fall in love within each day. Even being in Narnia for years the man just takes my breath away. We're now engaged to be married in the fall.

     Recently there have been problems in our kingdom and we are barely holding on to sustain stability. But there have been rumors of the white stag that if caught would grant us one wish. And that leads us to now, the Pevensies and I are chasing the white stag. We were quite far from our castle, almost at the other side of our kingdom. Edmund, had stopped for some reason.

     "Ed, what's wrong?" I asked while stopping next to him.

     "Just need to rest." He says.

     "Come on guys." Susan tells us, "Just resting." I tell them.

​      "What's this?" Peter says while hopping off his horse and walking towards a lamppost. Hopping off my horse, I walk up beside him.

     "It's like a dream." I say, becoming a bit dazed from distant memories of a different land.

     "Or a dream of a dream." Susan says.

     "Spare oom!" Lucy says while running off.

     "Lucy!" Peter yells, "Not again." Susan says.

     Lucy's siblings run into the thick evergreens, I laugh to myself before following them, but right before I'm able to get past the evergreens, I'm hit with an invisible wall, preventing me from joining them.

​      "Peter!" I yell in worry, he comes back, but he can't reach me.


     "Peter..." All of the sudden,Peter's appearance softened, and he grows shorter. He had turned back to when he was fifteen again.

     "What's happening?" I ask, Peter was crying, maybe because of me, or that he was a scrawny kid again.

     "Elizabeth" Aslan's voice boomed through the forest behind me. Both Peter and I both looked behind me and there he stood.

     "Aslan, I don't understand." I told him.

     "It is not yet your time to leave Narnia. Peter, you must catch up to your siblings." Aslan ordered.

     I turned to Peter and placed my hand on the barrier that kept us apart, he did the same.

     "I'll come back, I promise." Peter promised to me.

     "I love you Pete."

     "I love you too, Liz." with that, Peter turned and headed back into the wardrobe, into our world, out of Narnia.

     Tears streamed down my cheeks and onto the soil, there little flowers bloomed.

     "Child, we must be on the move, there is much to tell you in little time." Aslan said.

     I faced him and nodded, following after him as he trailed away from the wardrobe, past the lamppost, and away from the Pevensies.

     What I didn't know was that only in a few hundred years something terrible will happen, and I will be the start of what will save Narnia.

AN: And scene! Well this chapter was short but I hope this journey was enjoyable. Thank you all who made it this far for being so patient with my random updates no matter how long they took. Thank you for the support, and thank you for your time. I hope you continue to follow Elizabeth's journey to the very end, and I love you all.  

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