Chapter 8

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After Peter's statement, we all rushed towards the river. There was no time to waste as the ice could melt at any moment. If it did, then I'm afraid none of us know how to build a raft. As we rushed, I could hear loud cracks from in front of us. When we made it to the river, I watched in awe at the large bergs that were breaking down below from the still frozen waterfall. The river itself was unfrozen as the bergs floated downstream. Bit by bit, they narrowed our path across.

     "We need to cross now!" Peter said frantically, he looked around quickly before grabbing Lucy's hand.

     "Don't beavers make dams?" Lucy suggested.

     "I'm not that fast, dear!" Mr. Beaver replied. Peter then tugged Lucy as he began to make his way down the little cliff. Lucy let out a gasp.

     "Wait, just think about this for a minute." Susan started.

     "We don't have a minute!" Peter argued.

     "I'm just trying to be realistic."

     "No, you're trying to be usual!"

     Peter continued his way down with Lucy, the Beavers following. I looked over to Sue to see her with a frustrated look on her face. I felt bad for her, it seemed that her and Peter's nit-picking never changed since we were younger.

     Hearing howls had shaken me of my thoughts as I looked to the forest we had just been in. Sue did the same, and after sharing a look we followed Peter and the others.

     As we caught up, I noticed a short winding path against the cliff was our way down. I gulped thinking of the last time we were in a situation like this. Only we were being rushed, and this time I was holding onto the wall as I shuffled sideways towards the bottom. With only a foot or two left, I hopped down and looked to the huge river before all of us.

     Peter took a cautious step into the ice and instantly brought himself back once the ice under him broke. I looked up at the frozen waterfall only yards away from us. The crackling was louder here, more real.

     "Wait, maybe I should go first." Mr. Beaver suggested.

     "Maybe you should." Peter agreed.

     Mr. Beaver carefully steps onto the ice, patting his tale a few times in front of him. Peter grabbed Lucy and then held his hand out to me. I looked at him as he stared at me telling me to take it. I sighed and grabbed his hand, him leading Lucy and I behind Mr. Beaver.

     "You've been sneaking second helpings haven't you?" Mrs. Beaver yelled at her husband. Her and Sue were close to each other following us.

     "Well you never know what meal is gonna be your last, especially with your cooking." He murmured that last part.

     Bits of the ice below us wobbled as they broke into large pieces. Lucy shrieked and held onto Peter closer as she stepped over a crack that tipped a bit. The bergs were stable for now, thankfully.

     "If Mum knew what we were doing..." Susan said.

     "Mum's not here!" Peter replied to her harshly.

     "Now is not the time to argue." I told them both sternly. As bits of ice broke off from the waterfall, I looked up to see the wolves running over it from above.

     "Oh no!" Lucy yelled.

     "Run!" And so we did, not even caring about the wobbling or cracks on the ground anymore. 

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