n i n e t e e n

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"You said to Lexi that you think Jayce is the traitor. Think about it Becca, he's never been on a serious mission. He either falls ill or suggests staying at home. He's never been hurt before, even when he's been cornered by Serena and Silver, Rogue's main weapon, they never hurt him." He argued, relaxing into Rivers hold and giving up struggling.

"She didn't just say Jayce." Alexi whispered meekly, looking up at Devil.

"Then who di-"

"Astrid." I looked up, staring at Rebecca. "I said Astrid."

The protests began immediately.

"Be realistic, Bec."

"Rogue tried to kill her!"

It didn't escape my notice that Taylor stayed completely silent, not glancing back at me as I stared at him.

Some part of me didn't care about what the others thought of me, just him. I trusted him, I gave him a part of me that I've never done before.

Devil looked at her, shock registering on his face. "I knew you could be cruel Bec, but I didn't know that you could lie."

"I'm not ly-"

"Astrid wouldn't do that. She's saved most of us from dying." Hayden argued, his voice strong but reasoning. Most nodded their heads while some, like Erin, just stood slightly and watched.

"She killed her own parents." Hayden was silenced by Rebecca's response. "If she could do that to them, what could she do to us?"

"It must've been a bad situat-"

"I killed my own brother."


"Am I a traitor too, Becca?" Alexi glanced at me, her eyes filled with sorrow and pain. My heart ached as I stared at the broken girl before me. Her lips shook and her cheeks became damp.

She was still far from okay.

"What? No, Lex-" Rebecca's entire body language was overtaken by regret. It polluted the air like a toxic gas, drawing us in just to destroy us.

"Well that's your logic, Bex. Astrid killed her parents so she can't be trusted. Well I killed my older brother, I would've killed my dad if I got the chance, I would kill my half brother if I got the chance. If my Mom hadn't died and she would've been anything like them, I probably would've wanted to kill her as well. Does that mean I can't be trusted?" Alexi's voice was hard, cruel even, but her expression showed pain and heartache.

"Lexi no, I me-"

"Becca, you're such a hypocrite." Alexi scoffed, moving around to look at the entire gang.

"None of us in this room ever, ever, has the right to judge another person for their actions, especially when we don't know much about the situation. You're my sister but if I ever hear you say that again, I promise that I'll make sure things change around here."

For the first time ever, Rebecca Clarke gaped at her best friend in disbelief. "Are you telling me that you'll challenge me for leadership?"

"I'm telling you that I will take over if I don't think that you are fit to run the gang, or making biased choices based on your own beliefs."

"Everyone leave. Now." Becca demanded, her eyes glaring at me with an emotion that I couldn't decipher. "Astrid and Jayce will be taken off future missions pending inquiries. Dylan and Scar, sort Jayce's injuries out. Both Jayce and Astrid will be questioned in the days to come."

Everyone left the room quickly, I lingered for a second before following Erin out. He seemed shaken.


Saving The GangstaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora