Twin number 2 got onto his knees and held my hand, bringing it too his mouth to plant a small kiss on it. "Specialities in explosives, electronics and women. " He planted a second kiss onto my hand as I laughed loudly at his flirtatious manner. "Well, I am. Shae's all loved up." He shivered, looking disgusted as Becca and Shae both blushed. That definitely wasn't obvious.

The jokers. Might be a defence or manipulation technique. Close bond- unbreakable. Dependant on each other.

A boy with vibrant bleach blond hair approached me next. I could sense a cold aura about him, making me on edge. He nodded his head once but didn't make any move to shake my hand. "Jayce Snow. Fighter."

Isolated. Messenger perhaps. Bad past. No family.

Three people came up to me next; two boys and one girl. They seemed careless and relaxed, unlike every other person in this place, minus the twins. The girl spoke first, my eyes were caught instantly by her flawless skin. She was gorgeous.

"Hey, I'm Scarlett Keller. Guns and rifles for me." She embraced me into a hug, I hugged her back hesitantly. "I think we'll get along just fine, Astrid. It's about time there was another girl here to put them idiots into their place."

"I agree." I affirmed. Mischief sparked into my veins as I looked at the two raven haired boys stood behind her.

"Addy Reynolds. I help plan the missions and mentor the kids. Nice to meet you." He shook my hand and I let my eyes wander down his body. Oh god, he was hot.

Not as hot as Taylor.

Addy blushed deeply once he caught me shamelessly looking. I smirked and winked suggestively at him before bursting out into a fit of laughter. "I'm just messing with you, Addy."

"Oh." He blushed again and I chuckled before squeezing his cheek.

"Uh hello. I also exist." 

The second boy spoke up narrowing his eyes at me. I narrowed mine. He uncrossed his arms and I crossed mine. 

"Okay, I like you. I'm Hayden Silva. Fourth in command and I work with explosives." He shrugged before pulling me into a hug suddenly. "And I'm a hugger." He added.

"I've gathered." He released me. "It's just a bit surprising seen as erm..." I broke off.

"All of the members seem like miserable dicks?" Addy blurted, seeming quite entertained.


Hayden chuckled before wrapping an arm across my shoulder. "That's because they are. But don't worry, we're not. I think we're the only ones who actually remember we're only teens."

"That's good. I tend to act older than I'm forced to. I don't see the need." I agreed, my words having a deeper meaning than intended.

It seemed crazy to think I was still just a child. My life shouldn't have been anything like this.

"Exactly, now that's Oli Blackwell. Only 14 but can work like Harry Potter with computers." Hayden pointed to a kid sat with a computer. He didn't seem to acknowledge us but he waved without diverting his eyes off the monitor.

"That's Devil Keller and Dylan Noonan, basically inseparable. Devil's probably the only 14 year old who knows how to use a knife like the back of his hand and don't even get me started on Dylan and his firearms. They're cute but they're deadly." Addy spoke quietly, as though he thought they were going to be able to hear us even though they were sat on the other side of the room.

"Devil? Is that his real na-" Scarlett interrupted me.

"Don't even go there. Last time someone said his real name, Sawyer ended up with a knife stuck in his back and a dagger in his leg. He's never been able to walk the same. My brothers violent when he sees reason to be. " She said, staring at the knife Devil held so confidently in his hand.

"Seriously? He's just a kid." I voiced, shock penetrating my voice.

Addy muttered quietly under his breath, but I caught it. "Be careful, Astrid. He may look like a boy but he's a fucking demon."

Hayden gazed at me, biting his lip. "Age doesn't matter anymore. Years doesn't determine maturity or experience, damage does. That kids seen more things than most of us."

"Okay, what about them four then?" I quizzed, pointing to the group of boys playing snooker.

Scarlett went to speak but Addy jumped in. "That's River McCaffrey. He's the group joker but can be your worst nightmare if you fuck with the things he cares about." Addy stared at him lovingly, adoration clear in his eyes.

"Are you two...?" I pointed between them, trying to insinuate something. Addy nodded his head and I squealed loudly. "About fucking time we have some happiness in this city." I squealed loudly again and Hayden covered his ears.

"Geez women, chill out." I huffed at his complaint. "Next one's Xander Carver. He's really smart and works with Oli and stuff like money laundering, fraud, etc... He doesn't speak much but when he does, he's worth listening to."

"He looks young." I commented, looking at his babyish face.

How many kids has society ruined?

"He is. He's 14. Most of us started out young so it's not really weird anymore. Alexi got him away from a bunch of dealers who was after his money. He's been here for about 8 months now..." Addy trailed off. "Okay, next person is none other than Jesse Cooney. 18 years old and can fight like a bull. Of course, he's never been able to beat Lex or Tay but he managed to beat Jayce a couple of times, which is quite an achievement."

"What about that one?" I nodded my head to an older looking boy sat in the corner watching their game. He looked undeniably familiar, and as he moved his head up to meet my eyes, I understood why.


Recognition flashed dangerously on his face and his eyes narrowed into the scar on my neck peeking out of my shirt.

"Ah." Scarlett hesitated. "That's Erin Sampson. He's only 16. We rescued him from one of The Scars torture houses about 16 months ago. They fucked him up and murdered his entire family in front of him. Oli's parents went the same way and Devil saw ours go too. You're lucky that Lex and Bex ordered for Tay to get you out. They would've messed you up. They'd destroy everything you love right in front of you."

The Scars murdered his entire family in front of him.

Torture houses.

Rogue took him too.

I shook my head, tears threatening to light my eyes. "There's nothing left that I Love anyway."

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