Chapter Four

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After school is over, Taro goes on the search for Hiroshi's book.

When he finally does find Hiroshi's paper book (it was behind the cherry tree, he didn't even bother asking how it came to be there), it was already 4:20. He still does have a bit of time left for part of this to work out.

The cover of the book had two stick figures, one with brown hair (which Taro was guessing was Hiroshi) and the other with light hair (which was probably his sister). The title said 'my bg borthr hiroshi ikina'.

He finds Hiroshi in the library, and he quietly calls to him. "Hiroshi!"

Hiroshi turns around looks at the paper book in Taro's hands.He smiles, and that smile reaches his eyes. "Is that the book?" Hiroshi asks excitedly.

Taro nods. "It is. I found it behind the cherry tree behind the school. Don't know how it got there."

"Oh, thank you so much!" Hiroshi exclaimed while taking the book from Taro's outstretched hands. "Oh! Is there anything that you want or need? I have to return the favour somehow."

"Well, there is this one thing. I just need you to answer a question," replied Taro.

Hiroshi nods. "Okay then, it's the least I can do with all you've done for me."

Taro hesitates for a second. "Do you like Osano-kun?" he asked.

Immediately, Hiroshi's eyes widen and his cheeks flush. "W-well, um..." he stammered. He sighs and nods. Then hangs his head down. Taro smiles. Perfect, he thought.

"Well," started Taro, "that's good. I think he likes you back."

His head pops up, still red in the face. "Me? No way. He likes Ayano-chan, not me!"

"Hey, you don't know if that's true or not."

"It is! I've heard what happened in the plaza today, There's no way in hell he could like me. I'm just an average guy, nothing compared to Ayano or Osano-kun."

Taro sighs inwardly inside. This might be harder than I thought.

"There's only one way to find out. Stay here."

Before Hiroshi could say anything, Taro's already out the door, rushing to the rooftop, his phone out.

If he wanted his Kohai he would have to take a panty shot.

The thought disgusted him, but he would do anything for Ayano.

He goes out, and there are only two girls outside-thank gods or he would have to suffer more people out and more chance of being found out- Midori and Mai.

Since Midori seemed more distracted by her phone, sending those stupid emails, and was closer, he sneaked up on her, crawling. When he got close enough, he took his phone and took a picture up her skirt. Then quietly stood up behind her. Midori didn't seem to notice anything.

Face flushed, Taro quickly went to the hallways of the school and sent the picture to Info-kun.q


Excellent! Now I have a picture of Midori's panties. I owe you a favour for this one.

Actually, I could use the headset right about now. Where am I supposed to get them?

Check behind the school, you'll find it. But hurry before other people find it and take it.


Taro put his phone back in his pocket and briskly went outside behind the school. He finds the headset and makes his way back to the library. He gives Hiroshi the earpiece.

Nothing but YouTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon